Low power board based on Arduino Pro Mini with in-built Sigfox network support
Eagle schematics, libraries and Arduino code created by Scott Tattersall
Further project info at https://siguino.com
3rd Party libraries / resources used:
- Many basic components (resistors, capacitors, etc) are from the SparkFun Eagle libraries
- LIS3DH accelerometer from SparkFun: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_LIS3DH_Arduino_Library
- Wisol Chip from hellogitty/WiSol (greatech.de) https://github.com/hellogitty/WiSOL
- LowPower library from RocketScream: https://github.com/rocketscream/Low-Power
- SparkFun LIS3DH library (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/AltSoftSerial)
- Bosch BME280 library (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/AltSoftSerial)
In eagle, set the directories for libraries to add the libary files included here if not already included, e.g. $EAGLEDIR/lbr:{PROJECT-DIR}/Libraries/SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries-master:{PROJECT-DIR}/Libraries/WiSOL-master/Eagle_Library
Plus use the New Library -> execute script to add the components in script form from the scripts dir
Rev 0.1: First version, trimmed board
Rev 0.2:
- Add Reset Pin out as well as dtr for bootloading
- Change C8 10uf format to standard 0603
- Update routing to account for unsaved work
- Re-write/tidy arduino sketch
- Add de-coupling caps 10uf, 100nf to Accel chip VDD
- Connect INT1 pin on Accel to D3
Rev 0.3:
- Add Battery Holder
- Add Reverse polarity Protection
- Reposition Antenna
Rev 0.4:
- Replace Temperature chip
- Re-route temperature chip
- Add registration hole for battery holder
- Minor re-routing of vias under chips
Rev 0.5 / 1.0:
- Added Magnetometer
- Replaced temp chip with Temp & Pressure (Bosch BME 280)
- Re-routing for manufacturing
Siguino Hardware and Software licenced under GPLv3, any questions or issues please contact [email protected]