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📌 BIMap allows you get value via the key or get key via the value
❗ ECMAScript version: es2015/es6
❗ module supported: commonjs/es6 module
😳 In some cases, you need to get id via username or get username via id in a userlist, BIMap can simplify your work.
const userBIMap = new BIMap([
['admin', 'id0001'],
['tester', 'id0002']
userBIMap.get('admin') // id0001
userBIMap.get('id0002') // tester
const repeatedUserBIMap = new BIMap([
['admin', 'id0001'], ['fakeAdmin', 'id0001']
]) // only ['admin', 'id0001'] been settled, if key/value repeated, bimap will pass it
repeatedBIMap.get(admin) // id0001
repeatedBIMap.has(fakeAdmin) // false
Using undefined as a key or value is not recommend
BIMap support using undefined as a key or value, but we dont recommend you to do so
undefined may cause something that is unexpected
BIMap treat NaN as the same variable
const badBIMap = new BIMap([undefined, 1])
badBIMap.get() // 1
badBIMap.update() // [undefined, 1] = updated => [undefined, undefined]
// BIMap will treat NaN as a constant
const NaNBIMap = new BIMap([
[NaN, NaN], [NaN, 2]
]) // only [NaN, 2] been settled, if key === val, bimap will pass it
NaNBIMap.get(NaN) // 2
npm i @ruienger/bimap
const BIMap = require('@ruienger/bimap'); // or
import BIMap from '@ruienger/bimap';
let bimap = new BIMap([[k1, v1], [k2, v2]])
the param is familiar with Map`s Array<[any, any]>
bimap.size // the size of this bimap
bimap.mode deprecated
now,mode is equal to process.env.NODE_ENV
Clear all keys and values
delete the pair of k/v that contains the params, return if successfully deleted
bimap.delete(otherKeyOrValue) // false
bimap.delete(k1) // true
return the generator of bimap, yiled [key, value]
this method is called by BIMap.[Symbol.iterator] too
const gen = bimap.entries()
gen.next() // { value: [k1, v1], done: false }
gen.next() // { value: undefined, done: true}
callback(value: any, key: any, BIMap: BIMap): unknown
just like the Array`s forEach, param bimap is the current bimap you use
bimap.forEach((key, value, bimap) => {
//code here
}, this)
find a value that match with keyOrValue then return it,if not found,return undefined
bimap.get(k1) // v1;
bimap.get(v1) // k1
return if the keyOrValue exists
bimap.has(otherKeyOrValue) // false
bimap.has(v1) // true
set a new pair of key, value. if key/value has exist already or params duplicated, warn it
return the { key, value }
you set or undefined if failed
bimap.set(NaN, NaN) // warning!!
// BIMap treat NaN as the same variable
bimap.set(k1, v2) // warning!! k1 has exists
bimap.set(k3, v3) // ok, return { key: k3, val: v3 }
we dont recommend u use this method unless you know excatly what u doing
set a new pair of key, value. if key/value has exist already, delete the old pairs and set a new one
if params duplicated, warn it
return the { key, value }
you set or undefined if failed
bimap.set(k4, v4)
bimap.set(k5, v5)
bimap.forceSet(k4, v5) // now [k4, v4], [k5, v5] has been deleted, [k4, v5] is the new one
update a new pair of key, value.
if key/value has exist already, delete the origin pairs and merge them into a new one
but if neither the key nor the value are not found in BIMap,we recommend using set()
return the { key, value }
you updated or undefined if failed
bimap.update(NaN, NaN) // warning!!
bimap.update(k1, v2)
// now [k1, v1] and [k2, v2] has been deleted
// [k1, v2] is the new one
// returns { key: k1, value: v2 }
bimap.update(k1, v3) // ok
// now [k1, v2] has been deleted
// [k1, v3] is the new one
// returns { key: k1, value: v3 }
bimap.update(k4, v4) // warning!! use set() instead
return every value of bimap
bimap.values() // [v1, v2]
return every key of bimap
bimap.keys() // [k1, k2]
🧑 ruienger