The 34th Chaos Communication Congress from December 27th to 30th, 2017
Dear lovely Rubyists,
There will be a Ruby Town Assembly again! And we want you to join us for some amazing days on the congress in Leipzig <3
We will collect all relevant information here in this repo.
More Infos about the 34rd CCC: It's a bit tricky:
- If you don't have a user yet create yourself one
- Create a profile in the wiki by going to your user page
- Edit the page and add the following information to it
|Speaks language=en - English, de - German
|Part of=rubytown
|Has mail contact=
|Has website=
|Lives in continent=Europe
|Lives in country=Germany
After that to actually see yourself on the assembly page right away you have to hit the "refresh" link on the assembly page.
We have a public rubytown channel at the Rails Berlin e.V. Slack. Just join to get in touch with all the rubyists:
- Infrastructure
- Powerplugs (everyone)
- Network switch
- Long network cables (>10m)
- Network cables (everyone)
- Coffee
- Water boiler
- Coffee maker aka Chemex
- Grinder
- Coffeeee (beans)
- Coffee filters
- A mug (everyone)
- Decoration
- Posters (nerdbabe)
- Holiday lights (nerdbabe)
- Adhesive tape (nerdbabe)
- Scissor (nerdbabe)
- Food
- Bring some cookies or sweets for long hacking sessions <3
Feel free to add other items we need :)