Common OWL/RDFS Vocabularies for use with Ruby RDF.rb
This gem extends RDF::Vocabulary
with #to_ttl
, #to_jsonld
, and #to_html
methods to create special-purpose vocabulary serializations. The HTML version is templated using a Haml template to allow output to be customized.
Also extends RDF::Vocabulary::Format
with the gen-vocab
command extension to the rdf
As loading vocabularies can dominate processing time, the RDF::Vocabulary.limit_vocabs
method can be used to set a specific set of vocabularies over which to reason. For example:
RDF::Vocabulary.limit_vocabs(:rdf, :rdf, :schema)
will limit the vocabularies which are returned from RDF::Vocabulary.each
, which is used for reasoning and other operations over vocabularies and terms.
- RDF::Vocab::ACL - Web Access Control (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::AS - Activity Streams 2.0 (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::BF2 - BIBFRAME 2.0 (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::Bibframe - Bibliographic Framework Initiative (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::BIBO - Bibliographic Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::CC - Creative Commons Vocabulary (Creative Commons)
- RDF::Vocab::CERT - Cert Ontology (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::CNT - Representing Content in RDF (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::DataCite - DataCite Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::DBO - The DBpedia Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::DC - DCMI Metadata Terms (DCMI)
- RDF::Vocab::DC11 - Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMI)
- RDF::Vocab::DCAT - Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCMI)
- RDF::Vocab::DCMIType - DCMI Type Vocabulary (DCMI)
- RDF::Vocab::DISCO - DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary (DDI)
- RDF::Vocab::DOAP - Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::DWC - Darwin Core
- RDF::Vocab::EARL - [Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Schema](< (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::EBUCore - EBUCore
- RDF::Vocab::EDM - Europeana Data Model (EDM)
- RDF::Vocab::EXIF - Exif vocabulary workspace (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::Fcrepo4 - Fedora Commons Repository 4 Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::FOAF - Friend of a Friend (FOAF) vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::GEO - GEO Vocabulary (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::GEOJSON - GEOJSON Vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::GEONAMES - GeoNames Ontology Vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::GR - Good Relations
- RDF::Vocab::GS1 - GS1 Web Vocabulary for GS1 SmartSearch (GS1)
- RDF::Vocab::HT - HTTP Vocabulary in RDF 1.0 (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::HYDRA - Hydra Core Vocabulary (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::IANA - Link Relations (IANA)
- RDF::Vocab::ICAL - iCalendar vocabulary (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::Identifiers - Standard Identifiers Scheme (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::IIIF - International Image Interoperability Framework Presentation API (IIIF)
- RDF::Vocab::JSONLD - JSON-LD Vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::LDP - Linked Data Platform (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::LRMI - Learning Resources Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
- RDF::Vocab::MA - Ontology for Media Resources (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::MADS - Metadata Authority Description Schema (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::MARCRelators - MARC Code List for Relators (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::MO - Music Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::MODS - Metadata Object Description Schema (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::NFO - NEPOMUK File Ontology (NFO)
- RDF::Vocab::OA - Open Annotation Data Model (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::OG - Open Graph protocol
- RDF::Vocab::OGC - Open Graph protocol classes
- RDF::Vocab::ORE - Object Reuse and Exchange Ontology (OAI)
- RDF::Vocab::ORG - Organization Ontology (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::PCDM - PCDM Ontology (PCDM)
- RDF::Vocab::PPLAN - P-Plan Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::PREMIS - Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies Ontology (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::PremisEventType - PREMIS Event Type (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::PROV - Provenance Ontology (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::PTR - Pointer Methods in RDF 1.0 (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::RightsStatements - Rights Statements for Cultural Heritage Institutions
- RDF::Vocab::RSA - The RSA Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::RSS - RDF Site Summary
- RDF::Vocab::SCHEMA -
- RDF::Vocab::SD - SPARQL Service Description (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::SH - Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::SIOC - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
- RDF::Vocab::SiocServices - SIOC Services (SIOC)
- RDF::Vocab::SiocTypes - SIOC Types Ontology (SIOC)
- RDF::Vocab::SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::SKOSXL - SKOS eXtension for Labels (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::V - RDF data vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::VMD - RDF data vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::VCARD - Ontology for vCards (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::VMD - RDF data vocabulary
- RDF::Vocab::VOID - Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::VS - SemWeb Vocab Status ontology (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::WDRS - Protocol for Web Description Resources (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::WOT - Web of Trust
- RDF::Vocab::XKOS - XKOS An SKOS extension for representing statistical classifications (DDI)
- RDF::Vocab::XHTML - Extensible HyperText Markup Language (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::XHV - XHTML Vocabulary (W3C)
Add to your Gemfile
gem "rdf-vocab"
bundle install
require "rdf/vocab"
This will load all the vocabulary classes in the library.
Also adds the gen-vocab
command to the rdf
command-line executable to generate specifically generated output in Turtle, JSON-LD, and HTML+RDFa for either built-in or arbitrary vocabularies.
- First, add an entry to
, the key names contained within for guidance. For more information, see the documentation on RDF::Vocabulary. - Next, create an empty file in
based on the key name for your vocabulary. For example, if you've added the vocabulary:foo
, create a new empty file atlib/rdf/vocab/foo.rb
. - Run
rake gen_vocabs
This repository uses Git Flow to mange development and release activity. All submissions must be on a feature branch based on the develop branch to ease staging and integration.
- Do your best to adhere to the existing coding conventions and idioms.
- Don't use hard tabs, and don't leave trailing whitespace on any line.
Before committing, run
git diff --check
to make sure of this. - Do document every method you add using YARD annotations. Read the tutorial or just look at the existing code for examples.
- Don't touch the
files. If you need to change them, do so on your private branch only. - Do note that in order for us to merge any non-trivial changes (as a rule of thumb, additions larger than about 15 lines of code), we need an explicit public domain dedication on record from you.
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying {file:LICENSE} file.