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A simple redirection service for creating go / short links.

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This is a simple URL forwarding service configured for self hosting. It can generate random short URLs (e.g., /r32xd), named URLs (e.g., /party/june2), or a combination (e.g., /prefix/r3ce2).

The goal of the project is to be relatively simple (it is backed by .json files instead of a database), but to allow:

  • Self-registration
  • Login
  • Link creation/deletion/modification
  • An admin view for managing links

Users can only modify the links they create.


If you are using this in a dockerized environment under a prefix (say go/) the following nginx.conf rewrite rule may be useful:

location /go {
    port_in_redirect   off;
    rewrite            ^/go(/.*) $1 break;
    rewrite            ^/go$ / break;
    proxy_read_timeout 240;
    proxy_pass         http://redirector:3000;


This project was created using create-express-typescript-app which was invoked by calling npx express-generator-typescript.

The test suites should all pass when run locally.


  • node v10.15.3+
  • yarn v1.12+
  • docker v18.01+ (if using docker image)

Available commands

  • yarn start Start a development server.
  • yarn test Run the test suite.
  • yarn cover Collect coverage data.
  • yarn build To create compiled version for prod.
  • yarn start-prod To run in production.
  • yarn stop-prod -- <id> To stop in production.

Docker local

  • run: docker run -p 3000:3000 redirector
  • stop: docker stop $(docker ps -q --filter ancestor=redirector)


A simple redirection service for creating go / short links.



