This module implements generic a libcluster Consul Strategy.
- Supports Agent HTTP API, Catalog HTTP API and Health HTTP API
- Supports multisites (i.e. multiple datacenters), including taking them dynamically by listing all datacenters available.
There are multiple ways to configure the Consul strategy on libcluster
config :libcluster,
topologies: [
consul_example: [
strategy: Cluster.Strategy.Consul,
config: [
# The base agent URL.
base_url: "http://consul.service.dc1.consul:8500",
# If authentication is needed, set the access token here.
access_token: "036c943f00594d9f97c10dec7e48ff19",
# Nodes list will be refreshed using Consul on each interval (in µs).
# Defaults to 5 seconds.
polling_interval: 10_000,
# The Consul endpoints used to fetch service nodes.
list_using: [
# If you want to use the Agent HTTP API as specified in
# If you want to use the Health HTTP Endpoint as specified in
{Cluster.Strategy.Consul.Health, [passing: true]},
# If you want to use the Catalog HTTP API as specified in
# If you want to join nodes from multiple datacenters, do:
{Cluster.Strategy.Consul.Multisite, [
datacenters: ["dc1", "dc2", "dc3", ...],
endpoints: [
... further endpoints ...
# You can also list all datacenters:
{Cluster.Strategy.Consul.Multisite, [
datacenters: :all,
endpoints: [
... further endpoints ...
# All configurations below are defined as default for all
# children endpoints.
# Datacenter parameter while querying.
dc: "dc1",
# The default service_name for children endpoints specifications.
service_name: "my-service",
# This is the node basename, the Name (first) part of an Erlang
# node name (before the @ part. If not specified, it will assume
# the same name as the current running node.
node_basename: "app_name"
# Which consul response key should be considered as node
# hostname (after the @ part). Accepted values: :ip
# or :node_name. Default :ip.
host_key: :ip
def deps do
{:libcluster_consul, "~> 1.0.0"}
You can determine the latest version by running mix libcluster_consul
in your shell, or by going to the libcluster_consul
page on
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