A neat little command line utility that downloads a remote M3U URL, parses it for your channels and saves a clean playlist
Do you use IPTV or any such service? If you're like me, your provider perhaps furnishes you with an M3U a mile long, which makes it difficult to sift through the content you really want on your media player
- Just clone this repository into your desired directory
- In the config/ directory, edit the sample config.yaml as follows. Don't change or mess with the (UPPER CASE) paramater names, or the script will not work:
"<<enter your remote M3U URL, which you will have received from your provider. These are in a standard format"
"config/<<drop a text file name in here, where you have stored your list of preferred categories. One line per category, exactly as the name appears in the M3U>>"
"<<enter a file name the script will use e.g. raw.m3u>>"
"<<enter a file name where the resulting clean m3u will be written in the output dir e.g. output/out.m3u>>"
- For the last item, USE_PROGRASS_BAR, as the name suggests this is a neat progress bar for large M3Us. However it might not work on Linux because of character code differences between OSs. If so, change to False
- Remember to update your config.yaml as described above
- At this point, you may not know exactly which categories you are most interested in. So, just leave the config/megafaves.txt file as it is for now and move to the next step
- Run using python main.py from the directory you used to clone the repository
- An output file will appear in the output/ directory (default name is all_grp.txt). This is a list of EVERY catorey in your M3U. Go ahead and select the categories you like in this file and copy them into the config/megafaves.txt file.
- Run again as per 3. Hey presto! You will find a nicely modifed (default: out.m3u) in the output/ directory. Go ahead and link your media player to that file (making sure to specify that your M3U is now a local file, rather than remote.
You'll now have a clean, short playlist, focused on the content you want to see