Please claim things that you're working on!
- "battle arena": opponent, player, math question in the middle, text box to answer question, time limit bar
- grade = score, as you correctly answer your opponents grade goes down until they have a 0
- in battles, player can choose what type of math they are solving in a menu at bottom (+, -, *, /) --- the game gives them time to prepare when they change math type (3, 2, 1...)
- overworld... player movement, beating back of class kids to front of class (smarter) -- kids at desks are the ones that will fight you
- random characters in overworld with dialogue on edges of class
- start with 50/100 health (F), each fight levels you up one grade and gives you more health
- missing an easy question hurts less than missing a difficult one, but difficult correct answers do more damage
- final boss is teacher: teacher chooses what type of math you must do (you go into this fight with an A)
- make speech bubbles above player so you can't walk over them
- Optional: move dialogue boxes to bottom?
- Optional: Fix character animation clipping
- Optional: characters turn to you when you talk to them
- sprites dont disappear when defeated, just no dialogue - Cherie, DONE
- stop sprite repeats - Rob, Done
- load screen - Cherie, DONE
- State machine menus - Al, DONE
- 8 bit bitmap font - Cherie, DONE
- collision detection! -Al, DONE
- generate math questions - Nancy, DONE
- Display dialogue in box at bottom of screen -Al, DONE (Dialogue is diplayed below the person the player is talking to)
- overworld students - Cherie, DONE
- implement student sprites - Nancy, DONE
- main character walking sprites - Nancy, DONE
- classroom objects: desks... - Cherie, DONE
- size up students better - Nancy, DONE
- initiate a fight: walk up to student, press enter. Some dialogue, then start questions -Al, DONE
- player movement -Al, DONE (change to WASD later?)
- capture player input in text box, -Al, DONE
- player pushes enter to submit answer, -Al, DONE
- display math questions one at a time -Al, DONE
- test to see if the player was correct - Al, DONE
- player health increases once fight is won -Bobby, DONE
- Graphic to show who you can fight currently (thought bubble, or '!') -Bobby, DONE
- Cannot fight people again if you win - Al, DONE
- Fixed dialogue boxes - Bobby, DONE
- display 5 math questions per student - Al, DONE
- thought bubble - Nancy, DONE
- player health goes down if incorrect answer input, -Al, DONE
- classroom background - Cherie, DONE
- Music for overworld - Al, DONE
- fix math difficulty - Nancy, DONE
- block player from walking on the front wall - Cherie, DONE
- Optional: User input is in our bitmap font -Al, Done
- fix instructions screen so that all instructions show, -Al, DONE
- fix background parallax on menu, -Al, DONE
- different intro text for each person - Nancy, DONE
- Improve you win screen - add "A+!" or something maybe - Nancy, DONE
- Optional: loser text "aw, I lost" - Nancy, DONE
- Optional: roaming characters - Nancy, DONE
- arena background
- FAIL or PASS for end of fight
- optional: animations for the 'fights' (eg. happy/sad player sprite when questions answered)
- optional: more detailed sprites in fights
- Optional: save and load files?
- allow the player to choose what type of math they are solving with a click menu at any time -- Default to addition
- Optional: time limit on answering math questions, player loses health if time runs out
- Optional: time limit is a bar on the screen
- Optional: "What is your name?" store and use in dialogue
- "Are you a boy or a girl?" different sprite based on response