The main purpose of this program is to integrate the TOV equations under some Equation of State.
-config FILENAME : defines which config file should be read by the program.
-rho_0 : define the value for central energy density (e(R = 0)).
##EOS File format
The file is very simple. It must be formated in 3 columns (comma separated), in the following order:
- Density (mass density, it will be converted internally to energy density, depending on the chosen unit system).
- Pressure.
- Baryon density, if provided.
The data must be sorted as density descending, i.e. from the bigger mass density to the smaller. In the future, one should be abble to inform the data in any sorting.
diff_eq_step : Runge-Kutta step size.
max_rk_steps : Upper limit to the number of steps the program must iterate.
interpolation_tolerance : TODO
max_diff_eq_step : TODO
min_diff_eq_step : TODO
verbose_eos : If TRUE, the program will output the EoS's values. Otherwise, no output.
output_summary_only : If true, the program wil output the summary, but not the profiles. Use false for optimization.
output_gnuplot_style : TODO
verbose_interpolation_coeficients : If true, the program will output the interpolation coeficients.
RHO_0 : The central density.
interpolation_method : Two methods are available at the moment: cubic_spline and linear.
cutoff_RHO_0 : TODO
cutoff_density : The density where the program must stop the Runge-Kutta calculations(i.e. a stop condition).
K_entropy : TODO
eos_file_name : The EoS file name.
UNIT_SYSTEM : CGS=1, NUCLEAR=2, SI=3, NUN=4, OTHER=5. You should note that this is not fully implemented. Only CGS and Nuclear units are working up to now.
eos_file_provides_baryonic_density : true or false.
log_base_calc_infor_entropy : TODO
It is provided a lot of scripts along the executable. Let's see what each one does.