I've often found it necessary to keep track of time spent on projects or activities. Every "tracking system" I've used has worked for me at some level accept one. I always forget to use them. I forget because they break my workflow. I work with allot of text files so the system that works for me is a text file log. Over time I have simplified that format which has made it easy to enter, read or parsing in a program. This module is an implementation of my current practice of writing a simple time notation. It was inspired by other simple formats like Textile and markdown but rather than focus on rendering to HTML this library's focus is to render to a JSON structure.
Here's the summary view of the notation. Dates go in a single line by themselves. Dates are in the YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. November 10, 2012 would be typed 2012-11-10) and are applied to all following time entries until another date is encountered. The assumed date is always today. Time entries take up a single line and start with a time range. Time ranges are in the form of HH:MM and do not assume 24hr or 12hr representation. The start time and end time are separated by a hyphen. The range itself is terminated by a semi-colon. The time range can be followed by "tags". Tags are a comma separated list of words. The tag list is terminated by a semi-colon. A tag list is optional. The the last semi-colon to the end of the line is the time entry. Here's and example of a recording of travel and a meeting on November 6, 2012 -
7:45 - 8:30; travel; train to meeting
8:30 - 12:00; meeting; Met with standing committee for secret project of world domination by miniature sentient petunias.
A line which contains only a numerically formatted a date (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD format) indicates the start of a log entries for a particular day. It is typed only once. All time entries after that are affiliated with that day.
E..g Say I'm entering time for November 3, 2011. I would note it one a single line as-
Any following entries would then refer to that date until a new date was encountered.
An entry is a line which indicates an activity to be tracked. An entry line begins with a start time, a single dash and an end time followed by a space or semi-colon. It would be in the form of "HH:MM - HH:MM" or "HH:MM - now" where the word "now" is short hand for insert current time here. It can be used to calculate the amount of time spent. The time range entry is followed by an optional keyword project/task string and a description of the activity.
I usually follow this with a semi-colon to visually separate the time range from my notes about the project reference and activity description. After the time range until the next semi-colon is a keyword or project name I will use to associate the activity with. Finally the rest of the line training after the semi-colon is my note about the activity I was doing. If I was debugging code on a project call "timesheet" from 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM (i.e. 13:00) I would note it as
8:30 - 1:00; timesheet; debugging parsing code.
If could also look like this
8:30 - 13:00 timesheet; debugging parsing code.
The second nation is better. With the first notation the parser will see that the hour 8 is greater than the hour 1 and assume you ment to add 12 to the 1. The problem comes when you try to record something like 6:00 - 7:00 where 7:00 really is 7:00pm. The parser will mistakenly assume you intended one hour duration and not 13.
Any paragraphs of text that appear after the new line will be ignored until another time range or new date is encountered.
Sometimes you need to track extra things (e.g. weight, height, sleep). You can add extra data by typing in JSON blobs. These blobs need to be on a single line and must start and end with a curly bracket (e.g. {lbs: 100, meters: 3.1}). The parse tree will not include a entry for that preceding date or time called meta. In this way you can quickly note simple things without having to extend the parser.
In the following example is time entries for November 19, 2011 working on simple timesheet parsing project.
// A meta entry which records pounds and meters associated with date
// Nov. 19, 2011
{lbs: 175.0, meters: 2.9}
8:30 - 11:00; timesheet notation; Writing a README.md describing my simple timesheet notation.
11:00 - 12:00; timesheet notation; Drafting a NodeJS example parser for the notation.
1:00 - 3:00; timesheet notation; debugging parser, realizing I can simplify my notation further and drop the first semi-colon.
Realized I need to keep some backward compatibility for my parse so I don't have to rewrite/edit my ascii timesheet file.
In the last entry starting with "Realized" is skipped in parsing because it is neither a date, time range or JSON blob
Over the years I've use various ASCII notation systems to produce web pages for projects and the nice thing about Simple Timesheet Notation is that is very limited in it's assumptions. It is limited enough to be quickly typed while being easy to read. It doesn't conflict with the ASCII notation system de-jour. E.g. This notation can co-exist inside of a Markdown or Textile format document.
In recent years I've found outputting data structures in JSON convenient regardless of programming language I'm working in. It seems like a good idea then to focus this module on generating JSON structures from the parsing Simple Timesheet Notation. This makes wiring up the connection between a time tracking system (e.g. Basecamp, Harvest) a reasonable task. The simplest useful JSON object generated from the previous example could look like
"2011-11-19": {
"meta": {lbs: 175.0, meters: 2.9},
"8:30 - 11:00": "timesheet notation; Writing a README.md describing my simple timesheet notation.",
"11:00 - 12:00": "timesheet notation; Drafting a NodeJS example parser for the notation.",
"1:00 - 3:00": [
"timesheet notation; debugging parser, realizing I can simplify my notation further and drop the first semi-colon.",
"Realized I need to keep some backward compatibility for my parse so I don't have to rewrite/edit my ascii timesheet file."
This is fine if I want to generate a summary for my own reading. To be useful to a time tracking system I often need more. An alternative representation might look like
"2011-11-19": {
"meta": {lbs: 175.0, meters: 2.9},
"8:30 - 11:00": {
"project":"timesheet notation",
"notes": "Writing a README.md describing my simple timesheet notation.", "hours":"2.5","tags":["stn project"] },
"11:00 - 12:00": {
"project":"timesheet notation",
"notes": "Drafting a NodeJS example parser for the notation.", "hours":"1", "tags":["stn project"]},
"1:00 - 3:00": {
"project":"timesheet notation",
"notes":"debugging parser, realizing I can simplify my notation further and drop the first semi-colon.",
"tags":["stn project"]}
From either of these it is a simple process to derive specific forms needed by specific systems. Early versions of harvest used a structure similar to
"notes":"description of activity ...",
posted to their API for adding a daily entry. A simple keyword(s) set can map to a numeric project and task id. Dates are gathered along with times so hours can be calculated as spent_at can be derived too.
If you not using a twelve hour clock it is assume the first time before the dash is the start time and the second entry is the end time. Calculating hours then evolves looking at the relationship of those two times to each other. If the start time is smaller then the end time then simple subtraction of the start from the end calculates hours spent. If that is not the case (i.e. you have crossed the noon boundary) then you will need to normalize the values before subtracting the start from end time.
Parsing a text file containing timesheet notation name like test-samples/timesheet-1.txt
var fs = require('fs'),
stn = require('./stn');
text = fs.readFileSync('test-samples/timesheet-1.txt');
results = stn.parse(text, {normalize_date:true, hours: true, tags: true});
Results would be a json object looking like test-samples/timesheet-1b.json.
You could then take this JSON blob and send it to a time keeping system.
Let's say you were parsing incoming text a line at a time. How would you do that with stn?
var fs = require("fs"),
// Engine is a module that listens for input
// and services 'data' and 'end' events.
engine = require("./engine"),
stn = require("stn"),
timesheet = new stn.Stn();
// First setup for incremental parsing.
// You'd create your listen service here. I'm calling it
// engine for this example and assume that is supports
// events called 'data' and 'end'
engine.createServer(function(req, res) {
req.on("data", function (err, buf) {
var text;
if (err) {
throw err;
}).on("end", function (err) {
fs.writeFile("timesheet.txt", timesheet.toString(),
function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log("Wrote timesheet to disc.");
// We could also echo out the full parse tree too
res.writeHead({"Content-Type", "application/json"});
If you're in a NodeJS environment you can use stnfs.js in the extra's folder. This extends the basic stn.js adding readFile(), readFileSync(), writeFile(), and writeFileSync() based on the NodeJS fs module. See tests/stnfs_test.js for examples of this in action.
node tests/stnfs_test.js
Tag, project, client and task relationships can be passed in at the time a the stn parser is initialized (e.g. see extras/harvest-csv.js). It can also be discovered by the string of content being parsed using a simple parse directive. Parse Directives begin with an at sign (i.e. "@"). One parse directive exists as of version 0.0.9.
Where TAG is the tag to associate the following three elements with. Just as a time entry is an ordered semi-column separated list so is @tag.
Here's an example setting up these tag relationships -
@tag travel; World Domination; Moving; Dr. Evil
@tag meeting; World Domination; Planning; Dr. Evil
7:45 - 8:30; travel; train to meeting
8:30 - 12:00; meeting; Met with standing committee for secret project of world domination by miniature sentient petunias.
When these are parsed they will render a structure like -
'2012-11-06': {
'7:45 - 8:30': {
map: {
project_name: 'World Domination',
task: 'Moving',
client_name: 'Dr. Evil'
notes: 'train to meeting',
tags: [ 'travel' ],
hours: '0.75'
'8:30 - 12:00': {
map: {
project_name: 'World Domination',
task: 'Planning',
client_name: 'Dr. Evil'
notes: 'Met with standing committee for secret project of world domination by miniature sentient petunias.',
tags: ['meeting'],
hours: '3.5'
If no tag column is provided than map will be false and a post parse process will be responsible for handling that condition.