A minimalistic Android application made to demonstrate the use of modern development tools. Built with Clean Architecture and Jetpack Component (Compose, ViewModel, Room, Hilt, and more...)
Separating the top level into 4 packages
├── core
├── data
├── domain
└── presentation
- Jetpack Compose : Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI.
- Sentry : Open-source error tracking that helps developers to monitor, fix crashes in real time.
- Material 3 Design : The Material 3 Design Kit is built to work with the Material Theme Builder Figma plugin.
- View Model : The ViewModel class is a business logic or screen level state holder.
- Room : The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
- Coroutines : A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously.
- Flow : Flow is the Kotlin type that can be used to model streams of data.
- Dagger Hilt : Hilt is a dependency injection library for Android that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in your project.
- Navigating with Compose : The Navigation component provides support for Jetpack Compose applications.
- Lottie : Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!
- Accompanist : Accompanist is a group of libraries that aim to supplement Jetpack Compose with features that are commonly required by developers but not yet available.
Allright let's go don't be shy.:love_you_gesture: Feel free to open issues/pull requests to help me improve this project.
This project is provided for educational purposes only, it is not affiliated with anyone.
Started with ❤️ by rranndt