For further information on methodology, please see our paper.
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Age trends for each ROI from the LIFESPAN dataset are made available via a web-based application. The application allows the user to view any of the age trends from the set 258 ROIs harmonized in the paper. In addition, the user may upload a new study of MUSE ROI volumes to compare them with the presented age trajectories.
To upload a new set of ROI Volumes, your data must be formatted like the following:
1 00001 F 72 1175485 1029031 591235.8
2 00002 F 44 1321494 1185128 646077.7
3 00003 M 74 1272247 1065918 551219.0
4 00004 F 60 1361529 1200970 660623.5
5 00005 F 55 1357566 1186372 633956.6
6 00006 M 62 1533672 1354049 735330.1
Note the following conditions must be met:
- Columns AGE, SEX, and ICV are present
- The column labeled SEX contains only "F" for females and only "M" for males
- ROI Volumes are present in columns with MUSE labels, e.g. for Third Ventricle Volume the correct label is "R4"
- No missing data present