This website is my ongoing attempt to catalog and showcase some of my projects. It's hosted right here.
View it at
- w3.css
- Set up Jekyll to preview your site locally (If you want to use Windows you'll need to Install Bash for Ubuntu on Windows)
- This site has a good introduction to Jekyll and liquid tags and layouts and stuff. Also look at includes
- GitHub's guide to setting up GitHub Pages sites with custom domains
- This gist shows exactly how to use Cloudflare to serve a GitHub Pages site with a custom domain with HTTPS (except GitHub now supports HTTPS for custom domains so you don't need to do this)
- This page has a good explanation of how paths work with GitHub Pages and Jekyll
- Google Analytics is pretty easy to set up
- Adding some source tracking can be useful
- Once you have UTMs set up, clean up your URL
- Particularly note that the
parameter is cleared by wistia, but recorded as a page by Google Analytics ;)
- Particularly note that the
Disclaimer: I'm a meche not a web developer. I probably did a lot of stuff the wrong way, but it works, so hey...