A lightweight localization framework for Unity editor scripts.
$ yarn add rotorz/unity3d-localized-strings
This package is compatible with the unity3d-package-syncer tool. Refer to the tools' README for information on syncing packages into a Unity project.
A custom language domain can be defined for a package in the following way:
// Editor/MyPackageLang.cs
using Rotorz.Games.Localization;
using System.Globalization;
public sealed class MyPackageLang : PackageLanguage<MyPackageLang>
public MyPackageLang()
: base("@my-vendor-name/my-package", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))
// Additional custom helper functionality can be implemented here if required...
This can then be consumed in editor scripts:
// Present label with localizable text to the user.
GUILayout.Label(MyPackageLang.Text("Hello, world!"));
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