This project uses HTML, CSS and the Django framework. It is a news website that allows users to read news stories, and authors to create them.
- unrestricted execution policy (Windows requirement)
Clone a copy of this repo to your local machine. This can be done in the command line by navigating to the desired directory, then running:
git clone
Once you have a local version of this repository, you'll need to set up your virtual environment:
navigate to the folder that contains the
file -
If you're on a windows machine, run the command
. venv/Scripts/activate
If you're on a mac, run the command
source venv/bin/activate
Install the Django library:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Check installation was successful:
python -m pip freeze
Change directory to where is located:
cd she_codes_news
Make the inital migrations:
python migrate
Load the template data for the news articles by running these two commands:
python loaddata users python loaddata news
Now with everything set up, you'll just need to run the server!
python runserver
Open http://localhost:8000/news to view and interact with the website
When you're finished press CTRL+C to quit the server
Deactivate the virtual environment by either using the command
or terminate your terminal session.
- Order stories by date
- Styled "new story" form
- Story images
- Log-in/log-out
- "Account view" page
- "Create Account" page
- View stories by author
- "Log-in" button only visible when no user is logged in/"Log-out" button only visible when a user is logged in
- "Create Story" functionality only available when user is logged in
Add categories to the stories and allow the user to search for stories by category.
Add the ability to update and delete stories (consider permissions - whos hould be allowed to update or and/or delete stories).
Add the ability to “favourite” stories and see a page with your favourite stories.
Our form for creating stories requires you to add the publication date, update this to automatically save the publication date as the day the story was first published.
Gracefully handle the error where someone tries to create a new story when they are not logged in.