This portfolio showcases several projects that I have worked on and allows me to continue adding projects, showing my professional journey. I have embedded a fully functioning contact form that allows visitors to provide me with feedback or discuss colalboration. I have also included links to my GitHub, LinkedIn, Discord Profile and Instagram.
- At least one profile picture
- Biography (at least 100 words)
- Functional Contact Form
- "Projects" section
- Links to external sites, e.g. GitHub and LinkedIn.
I have separated my content into two responsive pages, the main index page and a contact page. I have built the pages using semantic HTML, CSS and splash of JavaScript. During the project development I have been working off a "WIP" branch and merging to main once I'm happy to publish changes.
- At least 2 web pages.
- Version controlled with Git
- Deployed on GitHub pages.
- Implements responsive design principles.
- Uses semantic HTML.
Technical features that are worth highlighting include the responsive nav bar, embedding a video, multiple hover effects, including tool tips and making button stylings multi-browser compatible.
- Different styles for active, hover and focus states.
- Include JavaScript to add some dynamic elements to your site. (Extratricky!)
Desktop Contact Form Wireframe
Mobile Home Page - Navbar expanded