DApp that allows users to view their balance and transfer tokens to other users.
- Deploy an ERC-20 Token on Sepolia or any other testnet.
- Login Screen. The user should be able to connect their wallet to the application through a login screen.
- Display Information. If the user has connected their wallet, they should be redirected to a screen where they can view their ERC-20 token balance.
- Disconnecting the Wallet. The user should have the option to disconnect their wallet at any time. If the wallet is disconnected, the user should be redirected back to the login screen.
- Sending Transactions. The user must be able to send tokens to an Ethereum address.
- Gas estimation. The user should be able to see a gas fees estimation before send a transaction.
- Write contract error management: The error management implemented was only on writing the contract. However, on getting the transaction receipt, there are other errors that can be handled.
- Add variants for different UI components (Button, InputText, etc).
- Include transaction fees estimation.
- Increase test coverage.