Releases: ronsavage/SQL
SQL BNF Version 2017-02-13
An administrative release, updating presentation material in index.html
so it links to the GitHub release page. There is no difference in the technical content.
SQL BNF version 2017-02-10
A new release with file included.
The technical content is unchanged since the prior 2017-01-21 release.
The packaging is only modified because it contains the file and the .config.yml file.
When pushed to, the material will be accessible as regular HTML.
Initial GitHub Release of SQL BNF
The first release of SQL BNF under GitHub.
This is a preliminary release; there are some issues to be resolved. However, downloading the release file and extracting into a directory, and then pointing your browser at the index.html
file in that directory should leave you accessing the HTML version of these pages.