- Counting Sort
- Inserting Cort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Bubble Sort with Function
- array
- Array as parameter
- class and constructor
- structure and function
- more exc class and constructor
- parameter passing
- pointer
- pointrt structure
- reference
- structure
- structure as parameter
- static variable in recursion
- tail recursion
- tail recursion with loop
- head recursion
- head recursion with loop
- tree recursion
- indirect recursion
- nested recursion
- sum of natural in iteration
- sum of natural in recursion
- factorial using recursion
- fibonacci serise using recursion
- memorigation fibo recursion
- power using recursion
- taylor series using recursion
- taylor series using horners
- tower of hanoi
- 2D array
- Array using pointer
- increasing array size using heap
- Display all array element
- Add(x) add a single item in a array
- Insert(int index, int x)
- Delete(int index)
- Linear(int x)
- Linear1(int x)
- Linear2(int x)
- Binary(int x)
- Get(int index)
- Set(int index, int x)
- swap(int *x, int *y)
- Max
- Min
- Sum
- Avg
- Reverse
- InReverse
- RightSift
- RightSiftRotate
- LeftSift
- LeftSiftRotated
- Insert_In_Sorted_Array(int n)
- ArrayIsSorted
- Rearrage_Positive_And_Negative()
- struct Array *Merge(Array *arr2);
- struct Array *Union(Array *arr1, Array *arr2);
- struct Array *Intersection(Array *arr1, Array *arr2);
- struct Array *Difference(Array *arr1, Array *arr2);
- Finding missing element in sorted array {{1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10},20,10}
- Find missing element {{6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16},20,10} sorted array
- Multiple mising element in array in sorted array {{4,5,6,7,8,10,11,16,19,24},20,10};
- firster method find missing element in unsorted array {{3,7,4,9,12,6,1,11,2,10},20,10}; Ans: 5,8
- Finding Duplicates in sorted array {3,6,4,4,4,6,6,11,11,11},20,10}; Ans: 4,6,11;
- Counting Duplicates in sorted Array = 0(n) {3,6,4,4,4,6,6,11,11,11},20,10}; Ans: 4-3, 6-2, 11-3
- Finding Duplicates in Hash Table {{2,6,4,6,4,4,6,11,11,2},20,11}; Ans: 2-2, 4-3, 6-3, 11-2;
- Finding Duplicates without Hash Table {{2,6,4,6,4,4,6,11,11,2},20,11}; Ans: 2-2, 4-3, 6-3, 11-2;
- Finding a pair element of with sum unsorted 0(n square ) {{6,3,8,10,16,7,5,2,9,14},20,10};
- Finding a pair element of with sum sorted list 0(n)
- Finding a par element with hash table sorted and unsorted worked as well
- Changing case
- Check for anagram
- Comparing string and palindrome
- counting vowels and conconents
- finging duplicate in string
- string exc
- length of string
- permutations of a string
- reversing a string
- validate a string
- word count
- Diagonal Matrix
- Lower row triangle marix
- Lower colume major formula
- Upper colume major formula
- Upper Roe major formula
- C++ class for diagonal matrix
- C++ colume major lower triangle
- C++ lower triangle matrix
- C++ upper triangle matrix
- Colume major lower triangle
- Create sparse matrix
- Polynomial
- Create linked list
- Display linked list
- Recursion display
- Length count linked list
- Recursion length count linked list
- Add number in linked list
- Recursion add number in linked list
- Max number in linked list
- Recursion max number in linked list
- Min
- Recursion Min
- Liner Search
- Recursion Liner search
- Move to head ( imperove liner search )
- Inserting a number using index in linked list
- Insert last of linked list
- Inserting a number in linked list
- Delete a number using index
- Check sorted or not