Brazil Judiciary's salaries data analysis.
Analyse data information about Judiciary employees salaries, searching for irregularities and huge privilegies.
judiciary, corruption, salary, social control, magistrados, salários, Brazil, Brasil, corrupção, benefícios
Clone the directory in your computer doing:
git clone
Create a virtual enviroment with your favorite tool (virtualenv, conda, ...).
Install required packages using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the
program, it will do the follow:
- Download files .xls with salary information from CNJ's page and save in directory
. - Read files using pandas, extract, prepare and store data in sqlite database file
creating the follow tables:- contracheque
- subsidio
- indenizacoes
- direitos_eventuais
- dados_cadastrais
Note: each table have data from all files.
After run
you are prepared to do your analysis
There is a jupyter notebook file with a example of how read data from database and make some analysis, feel free to make your own and commit it!
- You can improve
. - You can make analysis in notebook and send it.
- Feel free to create you own crawler for extract adittional data from judiciary pages, news, etc.
Note: If you don't no how to make version control with jupyter notebook, you can look this repo here, or you can use nbdime, see here
If you want to use Apache Superset to make dashboards, there is a example of dashboard on /dashboards
folder, you can import it. More information about Superset can be found here.