Access to CouchDB Futon and CouchDB Fauxton from Cloud9 IDE for Node.JS project
Cloud9 IDE does not provide a way to access Futon or Fauxton- web admin interfaces to CouchDB. This script do nothing but forward http requests to couchdb. It helps to work with Futon.
Setup CouchDB
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/couchdb
sudo chown couchdb:couchdb /var/run/couchdb
Start CouchDB
sudo su couchdb -c /usr/bin/couchdb
Run script
node c9couch.js
Now you can access Futon from web browser at /_utils/ (Ex.: )
Now, with the same c9couch.js script, you can access the newer Fauxton web interface from web browser at /_utils/fauxton/ (Ex.: )