MAVLink to UDP bridge to display PX4 Simulation-In-Hardware (SIH) into FlightGear. Written in Java using jMAVlib for the MAVLink interface. A small how to guide for jMAVlib can be found in the wiki.
Supports the following vehicles:
- Quadrotor X (using SIH QuadX)
- Vogi, the vogi is a pitch decoupled VTOL aircraft.
A user willing to use this software can download MAVLinkToUDP.jar and common.xml from the executable folder.
The jar file can be executed by typing java -jar MAVLinkToUDP.jar
and the flag -h
can be used to display the help messages.
The PX4 SIH periodically sends the MAVLink message HIL_STATE_QUATERNION. This program reads it when avalable and sends the position and orientation of the vehicle through UDP compatible with FlightGear. For the UDP message definition, see net_fdm.hxx (The UDP message must be 408 Bytes in length).
Display help
Display debug messages during execution
-udp [<ip_address> <udp_port>]
Specifies the ip address <ip_address> and the udp port <udp_port> for the udp connection to FlightGear.
If not specified, the default IP address is and the default UDP port is 5502.
-serial [<path> <baud_rate>]
Specifies the serial port <path> and the baud rate <baud_rate> for the MAVLink connection.
If not specified, the default port path is /dev/ttyACM0 and the default baud rate is 230400.
The MAVLink supports any baud rate.
The standard USB MAVLink path are:
- /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux;
- /dev/tty.usbmodem1 on Mac OS;
- COM15 on Windows.
-vehicle {<quad> or <vogi>}
Specifies the vehicle setup, it can be either quad or vogi.
If not specified, the default vehicle is a quad.
Coriolis g Corporation is a Canadian company specialized in Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).
The company is focusing on developing a new type of VTOL aircraft using a passive coupling system. We are specialized in dynamics and control and real time simulation. The SIH is a simple simulator for quadrotors released for free and without any conditions.
Discover our current platform at