A painstakingly collected data set for country info validation. I got quite tired of independent lists that needed reformatting and that did not have all the necessary info per data set. This is the most comprehensive object json I am aware of. I am going to be writing PHP/JS code for loading and quick data extraction but essentially all you need to do is download the JSON file (CountryData_minify.json) and load it in your scripts and your ready to go.
This data set merges 8 different independent datasets to create a single master country json object that can be used for HTML/Code validation when dealing with country specific information.
// Two files:
CountryData_minify.json (233k)
CountryData_pretty.json (531k)
I now use this object to auto-build Country <select>
menus which then preformat and provide validation for all other input/select fields related to that country (IE: state lists, postal/zip code, phone numbers (country code and local number formats))
This object can be used to cross reference any country specific information for:
// Object Data Includes:
Alpha2 code
Alpha3 code
short name // (ie: United States)
long name // (ie: United States of America)
isoNumber code
ioc code // (olympic committee)
currency // see "NOTE 1"
currency code []
currency name []
currency symbol []
country code // (ie: +1 (US))
mobile_begin_with prefix codes
Phone format lengths // (ie: XXXYYYZZZZ (10))
Postal: // see "NOTE 2"
Postal code formats
Permitted non-postal characters
Included postal validation regex
Postal lengths // see "NOTE 3"
character sets // (keyboard/input types: number or text (varchar))
Country States & State Codes // (ie: "Alaska" : "AK" )
Sample JS calls:
var obj = { dataset } ;
console.log(obj.country["BEL"]) ;
The above format uses lookup by the 3 character country code (IE: USA) and returns all info about that country. But you can also do quick reverse lookups to get the the 3 character code if you only have country name or country 2 digit code:
var obj = { dataset } ;
// extract country info with only 2 digit code
var alpha3 = obj.country[obj.alpha2_to_alpha3["BE"]] ;
console.log(obj.country[alpha3] ;
// extract country info with only country name
var alpha3 = obj.country[obj.name_to_alpha3["Belgium"]] ;
console.log(obj.country[alpha3] ;
Please help keep this data accurate or make contributions to it to expand the datasets. Things that could be added are known zip/postal codes PER country STATE as well as local phone prefix numbers.
NOTE 1: Currencies: Some countries have multiple codes but only one name and symbol (ie: Colombia). Others have multiple codes/multiple names but only one symbol and yet others have multiple codes, names and symbols (ie: Namibia)
NOTE 2: Postal Codes: Not all countries have postal info avaialble. To create consistent data, I analyzed those countries and came up with a default solution Description="NoPostalSystem", charSet="varchar", postalLength=["0"], ValidationRegex="[a-zA-Z0-9]"
for uniformity. You may find my chosen defaults do not suit you. Test for obj.country[code].postal.Description == 'NoPostalSystem'
to create your own defaults...if any.
NOTE 3: Postal Code Lengths: Length variations account for spaces and dashes. US ["5", "10"]. "10" = "12345-1234" or "12345 1234"
Sample Break Out of country-data object:
//console.log(obj.country["BEL"]) ;
"country_formats": {
"name_to_alpha3": {
"United States": "USA",
"Aruba": "ABW",
"Afghanistan": "AFG",
"Belgium" : "BEL",
"alpha2_to_alpha3": {
"US": "USA",
"AW": "ABW",
"AF": "AFG",
"BE": "BEL",
"BEL": {
"currency": {
"currencyCode": [
"currencyName": [
"Euro Member Countries"
"currencySymbol": [
"info": {
"shortName": "Belgium",
"longName": "Belgium",
"alpha2": "BE",
"alpha3": "BEL",
"isoNumericCode": "56",
"ioc": "BEL",
"capitalCity": "Bruxelles [Brussel]",
"tld": ".be"
"languages": [
"phone": {
"countryCode": "32",
"mobile_begin_with": [
"phone_number_lengths": [
"postal": {
"Description": "4-Digits - NNNN",
"RedundantCharacters": " -",
"ValidationRegex": "^[0-9]{4}$",
"charSet": "number",
"postalLengths": [
"postalFormats": [
"states": {
"Bruxelles-Capitale": "BRU",
"Rgion Flamande": "VLG",
"Rgion Walloni": "WAL"