Convert Go struct to TypeScript interfaces.
cfg := gotots.Config{IndentWithTabs: true}
ctx := gotots.NewContext(cfg)
ctx.AddCustomHeader("import { SomeCustomType } from './some-custom-type';")
_ = gotots.Collect(ctx, YourGoStruct{})
_ = gotots.WriteFromContext(ctx, io.StdOut)
Here is an example of a Go struct and the corresponding TypeScript interface that would be generated:
// go
type Parent struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type Employee struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Position string `json:"position"`
Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"`
Information struct {
Age int `json:"age"`
Address struct {
Street string `json:"street"`
City string `json:"city"`
} `json:"address"`
} `json:"information"`
// tstype tag can be used to specify the type of the field in the generated ts
// the type can be imported in generted ts by adding a custom header to the context by calling context.AddCustomHeader
CustomField string `json:"custom" tstype:"[]SomeCustomType"`
Parent Parent `json:"parent"`
// generated ts
import { SomeCustomType } from './some-custom-type';
export interface Gotots_test_Parent {
name: string;
export interface Gotots_test_Employee {
id: bigint;
name: string;
position: string;
projects?: string[];
information: {
age: number;
address: {
street: string;
city: string;
custom: []SomeCustomType;
parent: Gotots_test_Parent;
Generate multiple interfaces in a single output:
cfg := gotots.Config{IndentWithTabs: true}
ctx := gotots.NewContext(cfg)
_ = gotots.Collect(ctx, T1{}, T2{})
_ = gotots.WriteFromContext(ctx, io.StdOut)
Customize prefix of interface name (default is package name):
cfg := &gotots.Config{IndentWithTabs: true}
cfg.FieldPackageNameToPrefix = func(pkg string) string {
return "Rolancia"
collect(t, Employee{}, cfg)
// generated ts
export interface RolanciaParent {
// ...
export interface RolanciaEmployee {
// ...