- oreilly-978-4-87311-822-2e.pdf
- Python3.7.0
- isort
- yapf
- flake8
- mypy
- 4.5.4: Improvement of Dict[HashKey, HashPair] structure.
- A.6 P282-284 REPL support for macro.
- A.5.5 P280-282 Implements of unless macro.
- A.5.4 P277-280 Eval. Support for Expand Macro.
- A.5.3 P272-276 Eval. Support for DegineMacro.
- A.5.2 P268-272 Parser. Support for MacroLiteral.
- A.5.1 P267-268 Macro keyword.
- A.4.2.2: P264-265 Macro Support for quote inner unquote.
- A.4.2.1: P262-264 Macro Support for Boolean.
- A.4: P242-261 Macro Support for unquote(HashLiteral) builtin function.
- A.4: P242-261 Macro Support for unquote(FunctionLiteral, ArrayLiteral) builtin function.
- Refactoring.
- A.4: P242-261 Macro Support for unquote(LetStatement) builtin function.
- A.4: P242-261 Macro Support for unquote(IfExpression, ReturnStatement) builtin function.
- A.4: P242-261 Macro Support for unquote(Program, ExpressionStatement, InfixExpression, PrefixExpression, IndexExpression) builtin function.
- A.3: P238-242 Macro. Support for quote builtin function.
- 4.6: P230-231 Suppot for puts builtin function.
- 4.5.5: P226-229 Eval. Support for Hash.
- 4.5.4: P223-226 Eval. Support for HashLiteral.
- 4.5.3: P218-223 Object. Support for Hash.
- 4.5.2: P213-218 Parser. Support for HashLiteral.
- Fixed bugs at evaluator.py and Add regression test case.
- private comment: so...Today, PyConJP 2018 has come!
- 4.5.1: P211-213 Lexer. Support for token.COLON.
- Improvement of REPL. REPL support for input-file with 4.4.7: P209-210.
- 4.4.6: P205-208 Support for Array BuiltinFunctions.
- 4.4.5: P201-205 Eval. Support for ArrayLiteral.
- 4.4.4: P198-201 Eval. Support for Array.
- 4.4.3: P195-199: Parser. Support for IndexLiteral.
- 4.4.2: P192-195: Parser. Support for ArrayLiteral.
- 4.4.1: P190-192: Lexer. Support for Array.
- 4.3.1: P184-189: Support for builtin function len.
- 4.2.4: P182-183: Support for string concat feature.
- 4.2.3: P180-182: Eval. Support for ast.StringLiteral
- 4.2.2: P179-180: Parser. Support for token.STRING
- 4.2.1: P176-178: Lexer. Support for token.STRING
- Refactoring: move environmment.Environment into object.Environment
- 3.10: P160-171 Eval. FunctionLiteral, CallExpression, applyFunction, EnclosedEnvironment
- 3.9: P155-160 Eval. LetStatement(Environment and Bind)
- 3.8: P149-154 Eval. Error for debug
- 3.7: P144-149 Eval. Return statements
- 3.6: P141-144 Eval. IfExpression
- 3.5.6: P135-141 Eval. InfixExpression
- 3.5.5: P131-135 Eval. BangOperator
- 3.5.4: P131 Eval. null
- 3.5.3: P129-131 Eval. Boolean Literal
- Refactoring test case
- 3.5.2: P128-129 REPL(Read, Eval, Print, Loop)
- 3.5.1. P124-128 Eval。IntegerLiteral
- 3.4.4: P123-124 Eval。null
- 3.4.3: P123 Eval。Boolean
- 3.4.2: P122 Eval。Integer
- 3.4.1: P121-122 Eval。Object
- 2.9: P112-113 REPLの改善。RPPL(Read, Parse, Print, Loop)
- 2.8.6: P109-111 Parserの改善。
- 2.8: P104-109 Parserの改善。呼び出し式(CallExpression)のサポート
- 2.8: P99-104 Parserの改善。関数リテラル(FunctionLiteral)のサポート
- 2.8: P93-99 Parserの改善。if式(IfExpression)のサポート
- 2.8: P91-93 Parserの改善。GroupingExpressionのサポート
- 2.8: P87-91 Parserの改善。真偽値リテラル(BooleanLiteral)のサポート
- 2.8: P85-87 test helperの拡充
- 2.6: P73-75 Parserの中置演算子(InfixExpression)テストケースを拡充
- 2.6: P68-73 Parserの改善。中置演算子(InfixExpression)のサポート
- 2.6: P63-68 Parserの改善。前置演算子(PrefixExpression)のサポート
- 2.6: P60-63 Praserの改善。IntegerLiteralのサポート
- Refactoring: token namespace
- 2.6: P54-60 ExpressionStatementの実装
- 2.6: P47-54 ASTにExpressionStatementの追加
- 2.5: P44-47 return statement
- 2.4: P41-44 Parserのエラーメッセージを拡充
- annotate Type for mypy
- Tools: isort, yapf, flake8, mypyを採用
- 2.4: P35-P41 Parserの改善。letのサポート
- Refactoring: tests cases
- 2.4: P29-35 Parser(parser.py)の実装
- 2.3: P29-32 AST(ast.py)の実装
- 2.2: P28-29
- 2.1: P25-28
- Refactoring: monkeyパッケージを作成、tests/ディレクトリの作成
- 1.4: P21-22 REPLの実装
- 1.4: P18-21 Lexerの改善。==、!=のサポート
- 1.4: P17-18 Lexerの改善。キーワード(if, else, return, true, false)のサポート
- 1.4: P14-17 Lexerの改善。演算子のサポート
- 1.3: P12-14 Lexerの改善。Numberのサポート。let, fnのキーワードのサポート
- 1.3: P1-11 Lexer, tokenの最小構成の定義