A hospital/patient medical record smart contract on Ethereum.
Built with Truffle and zeppelin-solidity.
As ethpm:
$ truffle install [email protected]
Clone repo:
git clone [email protected]:NFhbar/Ethereum-Medical-Records.git
Create a new .env
file in root directory and add your private key:
If you don't have a private key, you can use one provided by Ganache (for development only!):
npm install
To enter Truffle:
truffle develop
To compile:
truffle(develop)> compile
To migrate:
truffle(develop)> migrate
To test:
truffle(develop)> test
npm run test
A Medical Record System (contract deployer) keeps records of patient stays, including admission date, discharge date, and visit reason code:
struct Records {
bool providedName;
string name;
address patient;
address hospital;
uint256 admissionDate;
uint256 dischargeDate;
uint256 visitReason;
Hospitals within the network:
mapping (address => bool) public isHospital;
Can access these records if and only if a patient provides their name:
/// @dev Allows a patient to add their name to the record in the network.
/// @param _recordID ID of the patient specific record.
/// @param _name Name for the patient
function addName(uint256 _recordID, string _name)
recordExists(_recordID, msg.sender)
patientNotProvidedName(_recordID, msg.sender)
records[_recordID][msg.sender].providedName = true;
records[_recordID][msg.sender].name = _name;
address hostpitalInRecord = records[_recordID][msg.sender].hospital;
mappingByName[hostpitalInRecord][_name] += 1;
emit NameAddedToRecords(_recordID, msg.sender);
As an incentive to share their name, patients get paid in tokens when they share their name:
/// @dev pays a patient for providing their name.
/// @param _patientAddress to receive tokens.
function payPatient(address _patientAddress)
patientToken.transfer(_patientAddress, tokenRewardAmount);
emit PatientPaid(_patientAddress);
After patients share their name, hospitals can access their matching records:
function getRecord(uint _recordID, address _patientAddress)
recordExists(_recordID, _patientAddress)
patientProvidedName(_recordID, _patientAddress)
onlyHospital(_recordID, _patientAddress)
view {...}
Hospitals can also search by patient name to see how many records they currently have:
/// @dev Allows a Hospital to view the number of records for a patient.
/// @param _name Name for the patient
function getRecordByName(string _name)
returns (uint256 numberOfRecords)
if (mappingByName[msg.sender][_name] != 0) {
numberOfRecords = mappingByName[msg.sender][_name];
return numberOfRecords;
return 0;
Hospitals can also see the number of patients currently staying within a given time range:
/// @dev Allows a Hospital to view the number of patients on a given date range.
/// @param from Starting date
/// @param to Ending date
function getCurrentPatients(uint from, uint to)
returns (uint _numberOfPatients)
uint i;
_numberOfPatients = 0;
for(i=0; i<recordCount; i++) {
if(dateRanges[i].admissionDate >= from && dateRanges[i].dischargeDate <= to)
_numberOfPatients += 1;
Since records cannot be accessed until a patient provides their name, and dates are associated with ethereum addresses, the time range is essentially private since patients cannot be mapped to their current stay until they provide their name.
The contract can be destroyed and the remaining token balance is returned to the owner of the contract.
Docker image here. Dockerfile here.
Security analysis performed using Mythril.
Results here.
To run Solidity Coverage reports:
$ npm run coverage
Keep in mind solidity-coverage now expects a globally installed Truffle.
Coverage report available here.
To test in Remix simply load this gist.
Parameters for constructor in Remix:
["0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c", "0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c"],["0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db", "0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225", "0xdd870fa1b7c4700f2bd7f44238821c26f7392148"]
To fix warnings:
$ npm run fix . --ext .js
For solium linter:
$ solium -d contracts
When migrating
Error: Attempting to run transaction which calls a contract function, but recipient address 0x8cdaf0cd259887258bc13a92c0a6da92698644c0 is not a contract address
Solution: delete contents of /build/contracts and recompile.
When testing in truffle develop
Error: sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx.
Solution: restart truffle develop. Notes: truffle does not reset accounts balance on multiple runs.
After running solidity-coverage, testrpc remains a ghost process. Solution: kill it with:
$ npm run stop
and run coverage again:
$ npm run coverage