Github Action to Validate the correctness of a Swagger file for Django apps.
The following checks are performed:
- Django endpoints not registered in the Swagger file.
- Swagger endpoints that are unresolvable to any Django endpoints.
This action only matches endpoints. It does not validate parameters, headers, or even method types.
Add the following workflow to your repository to use this Github Action:
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Swagger Django Validator
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: swagger-django-validator
id: swagger-django-validator
uses: rohithpr/swagger-django-validator@master
SWAGGER_FILE_PATH: path/to/file.yml # Relative path to the swagger file being checked.
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: # Dot separated path to the project's settings file.
IGNORE_SWAGGER_PATTERNS: "pattern_to_ignore,pattern_to_ignore" # Optional, comma separated list of patterns to be ignored in the swagger file.
IGNORE_DJANGO_PATTERNS: "pattern_to_ignore,pattern_to_ignore" # Optional, comma separated list of patterns to be ignored in the Django app.
- Validate that all method types are registered correctly.
- Validate parameters (at least for DRF).
- Validate input and outputs for JSON-API.