BrainStorm is a quiz/treasure hunt website engine. It is based on Ruby on Rails and maybe used by anyone to host their own online quiz/treasure hunt event.
The first instance of this Quiz-Website-Engine was used in May 2014 and maybe seen at ( domain expired). The website got 70,000+ page views from over 50 countries in just 5 days.
*Fork the project and clone it
*Run bundle Install
*Then run these commands
rake db:migrate \\migrate the databases
rake db:create \\Create environment
rake game:initialize
rake game:launch
rake game:kill
*Seperate admin panel for adding/editing/removing questions *Connectivity with google analytics *A fully connected leaderboard *Optimized for hosting on Heroku *Powerful regex for answer checking i.e. spaces, case, indentation and punctuation don't matter. For example; if the answer is Ruby Ninja, then rubyninja, RubyNinja, ruby ninja and even Ruby Ninja! all are correct answers.
Google Analytics has been connected using the google-analytics-rails gem by bgarret.
To use google analytics go to:
After that replace # with your tracker code
`GA.tracker = "UA-########-##"
That's it!
This projected is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Happy Coding!