Understanding block chain and how it works and implement it. using different technologies like python, JavaScript and so on. We also explore Ethereum, HyperLeger, Smart Contract, proff of work etc.
According to me Block Chain maeans it's chain of blocks one block conected into another block in doubly linked list fasion. Block stored pice of information. and Block chain not traditional doubly linked list it has similar strucre implementation in very complex and encrypted way. It uses de-centralization and stores the information in encrypted format and creates it's replica. Block chain can not be hacked due to much complexity and randomization which is unpredictable but 50% or more of maleious node can make down or hack the block chain. So probability of hacking is 50% but is very rear case and till now no one can break or hack the block chain.
- It is very secure.
- It implement decentalization.
- It is too complex to understand and implement
- It is very expensive.
- Not implement for all projects.
To understand the Block chain First we must understand the what is data sture of block chain, how data is stored in block chain ? how data insertion and delition work in block chain.
- Node js :- https://nodejs.org/en/
- Ganache :- https://truffleframework.com (for custome own block chain)
- Truffle framework :- npm install -g [email protected] (for smart contract)
- Metamask chrome Extention :- https://metamask.io/
It is basic block chain with Single node.
It is basic block chain with single node and Add database Connectivity(Mongodb).