Time Tracking logging app.
![TTLogger image] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rodrigoreyes79/ttlogger/master/images/ttlogger.png)
Version 0.2 is out and gone are the days of multiple windows!!!
TTLogger now opens only one window and allows you to enter your log for a specific time by selecting it from a select on top of the window. Give it a try!!!
The text entered is saved inside the same folder where TTLogger resides. The logged information will be saved as a simple text file.
![Folder image] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rodrigoreyes79/ttlogger/master/images/folder.png)
Inside each file, each entry will start with the time of day the window was initially opened.
![Log file image] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rodrigoreyes79/ttlogger/master/images/log.png)
- Download and install node-webkit on your computer following the instructions at https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit#downloads.
- Make sure to add the node-webkit executable to your path.
- Download or clone the repository.
- Go to the src folder and execute "nw ."
- Optional: Update CronJob configuration at the end of the src/js/app.js file.
- Move nwjs.app to Applications folder.
- Open the terminal an run "crontab -e"
- Add this line in the editor 1 * * * * open -a /Applications/nwjs.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs --args /Users/username/<path_to_ttlogger/src/
This will run ttloger the first minute of every hour.