Basic library for Country, State and City
Data taken from:
npm i country-state-city
It accepts a valid CountryId
and returns Country Details
type: json
"id": "4",
"sortname": "AS",
"name": "American Samoa",
"phonecode": "1684"
It accepts a valid StateId
and returns State Details
type: json
"id": 4119,
"name": "Midlands",
"country_id": "246"
It accepts a valid CityId
and returns City Details
type: json
"id": "3",
"name": "Port Blair",
"state_id": "1"
It accepts a valid CountryId
and returns all States as Array of JSON
type: array of json
"id": 4119,
"name": "Midlands",
"country_id": "246"
It accepts a valid CityId
and returns all Cities as Array of JSON
type: array of json
"id": "3",
"name": "Port Blair",
"state_id": "1"
It returns all Countries
type: array of json
"id": "4",
"sortname": "AS",
"name": "American Samoa",
"phonecode": "1684"