Setting the page heading (e.g H1) at the same time with a page title (inside <title>
First, put this line in your Gemfile
gem 'heading_with_title'
Then run bundle install
to update your application's bundle.
Add page_title
call within <title>
<title><%= page_title %></title>
And then in the views you just call heading_with_title
helper to set page title with
heading, or you call page_title('Something')
to set page title without heading.
# Set both title and heading
<%= heading_with_title 'Users' %>
# It also respects a block
<%= heading_with_title 'Users' do |heading| %>
<span><%= heading %></span>
<% end %>
# You can also call it without arguments. In this case
# it will use I18n Lazy Lookup (
# with key defined by `default_i18n_key` setting.
<%= heading_with_title %>
# If you need to use I18n Interpolation (
# just pass hash as argument:
<%= heading_with_title username: 'John Doe' %>
# Also it accepts ActiveRecord model instance
<% heading_with_title Product.find(777) %>
# Or you might want to set only page title
<% page_title 'Users' %>
Create initializer file, config/initializers/heading_with_title.rb
and put some
configuration settings into it:
HeadingWithTitle.configure do |config|
# Set page title delimeter
# Example: Page Title / AwesomeApp
config.title_delimeter = ' / '
# Title suffix that shown at the end of page title
# Accepts String or Proc
config.title_suffix = ->{ Rails.application.class.parent_name }
# Default heading size (h1 by default)
config.default_heading_size = :h1
# Default I18n key when call heading_with_title
# helper without arguments
# Its the same as:
# heading_with_title t('.heading')
config.default_i18n_key = '.heading'