#Balloon Project Build a smart Home with a RasberryPi, Arduino and React-native
The communication between :
- The App and the server is made by a REST service.
- The Arduino and the RasberryPi is made by the serial port.
To launch the server :
node index.js
- Node server
- REST service
npm start
With servo.h library.
- POST on '/' With JSON body :
'balloonOrder' : balloonOrder
-- Response -- 200 With JSON body :
message: message,
balloonStatus: balloonOrder
On serial port :
- 0 : Balloon OFF
- 1 : Balloon ON
- 2 : Baloon AUTO
- Implement the Refresh status and the Auto mode (TODO : test)
- Make this app a standalone app (complete the app.json)
- LCD Screen with status prompt
- Implement the router/navigation
- Put some push notification
- Put some reminder based on your habits "do you want some hot water for your shower"
- With relay + arduino AdafruitWifi, auto control of the music (wake up music...)
- Play music based on the humor (image recognition -> miscrosoft API)
- Voice control ?