GoRedSVD is some Swig-generated Go glue wrapping around Nicolas Tessore's RedSVD-h, which is based on Daisuke Okanohara's redsvd implementation.
redsvd is a library for solving several matrix decompositions including singular value decomposition (SVD), principal component analysis (PCA), and eigen value decomposition. redsvd can handle very large matrix efficiently, and optimized for a truncated SVD of sparse matrices.
(quoted from redsvd project page)
GoRedSVD implements only the SVD part, but it should be reasonably easy to adapt SymEigen and PCA parts also.
- Swig 3.0.6 or newer (tested on 3.0.7)
- Eigen 3 library (tested on 3.2.6)
It should also be possible to link in Intel®'s Math Kernel Library, which should enable multicore processing for the SVD.
Build process is roughly this:
- Build files using
- Copy the resulting files into gopath
- Provide
with the location of Eigen's include path - Build with
go build
. - You can run tests with
go test
swig -go -intgosize 64 -cgo -c++ src/RedSVD.i
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/redsvd
cp RedSVD-h RedSVD.h RedSVD_wrap.cxx redsvd.go redsvd_test.go $GOPATH/src/redsvd
cd $GOPATH/src/redsvd
export CGO_CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/local/Cellar/eigen/3.2.6/include/eigen3/'
go build
Or you can use the included Makefile.
NewGoRedSVD() GoRedSVD
: creates new GoRedSVD instanceSetMatrix32(cols int, rows int, matrix map[int]map[int]float32)
: sets a sparse matrixSetMatrix64(cols int, rows int, matrix map[int]map[int]float64)
: float64 version of previous (simply typecasted to float32 currently)SetDenseMatrix32(matrix [][]float32)
: sets a dense matrixRedSVD() bool
: performs SVDRedSVD(rank int) bool
: performs SVD with specified rankMatrixU() [][]float32
: returns UMatrixV() [][]float32
: returns VSetUnnormalized(unnormalized bool)
: whether to also calculate un-normalized versions of the U and V matricesMatrixUNotNormalized() [][]float32
: returns U, not normalizedMatrixVNotNormalized() [][]float32
: returns V, not normalized
SingularValues() []float32
: returns singular valuesDeleteGoRedSVD(arg GoRedSVD)
: frees the GoRedSVD instance
Copyright (c) 2016 Rocket Internet
Please see LICENSE file in repository (MIT). The RedSVD-h header is licensed separately using BSD license (see RedVSD-h file for license details).
package main
import (
func main() {
svd := redsvd.NewGoRedSVD()
fmt.Printf("Generating random matrix\n")
sparseMatrix32 := make(map[int]map[int]float32)
sparseMatrix64 := make(map[int]map[int]float64)
for row := 0; row < 10; row++ {
sparseMatrix32[row] = make(map[int]float32)
sparseMatrix64[row] = make(map[int]float64)
for col := 0; col < 10; col++ {
sparseMatrix32[row][col] = rand.Float32()
sparseMatrix64[row][col] = rand.Float64()
fmt.Printf("sparseMatrix32: %v\n", sparseMatrix32)
fmt.Printf("sparseMatrix64: %v\n", sparseMatrix64)
svd.SetMatrix32(10, 10, sparseMatrix32)
u := svd.MatrixU()
fmt.Printf("float32 matrixU %v\n", u)
v := svd.MatrixV()
fmt.Printf("float32 matrixV %v\n", v)
singularValues := svd.SingularValues()
fmt.Printf("float 32 singularValues %v\n", singularValues)
svd.SetMatrix64(10, 10, sparseMatrix64)
u = svd.MatrixU()
fmt.Printf("float64 matrixU %v\n", u)
v = svd.MatrixV()
fmt.Printf("float64 matrixV %v\n", v)
singularValues = svd.SingularValues()
fmt.Printf("float64 singularValues %v\n", singularValues)