The project provides high-level bindings to librealsense2 library as well as low-level FFI interface. It supports asynchronous API and integration with image and nalgebra types.
Make sure librealsense 2.39.0 is installed on your system. You may visit RealSense official repository.
Add this crate to your Cargo.toml
realsense-rust = "0.5"
If you're using older librealsense for reasons. You may enable buildtime-bindgen
to re-generate bindings and good luck.
realsense-rust = { version = "0.5", features = ["buildtime-bindgen"] }
The crate enables with-nalgebra and with-image features by default.
- with-nalgebra (default): Enable nalgebra support.
- with-image (default): Enable image support.
- buildtime-bindgen: Generate Rust bindings during build time.
- device-test: Enable tests that requires connections to RealSense devices.
You can start by Pipeline
. This is the minimal example to capture color and depth images.
use anyhow::Result;
use realsense_rust::{Config, Format, Pipeline, StreamKind};
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let pipeline = Pipeline::new()?;
let config = Config::new()?
.enable_stream(StreamKind::Depth, 0, 640, 0, Format::Z16, 30)?
.enable_stream(StreamKind::Color, 0, 640, 0, Format::Rgb8, 30)?;
let mut pipeline = pipeline.start(&config)?;
let frames = pipeline.wait(None)?.unwrap();
let color_frame = frames.color_frame()?.unwrap();
let depth_frame = frames.depth_frame()?.unwrap();
To capture image with your RealSense device,
cargo run --release --example capture_images
More examples can be found in examples directory.
The realsense-sys crate provides C bindings generated from librealsense headers. The reference can be found on RealSense official documentation.
Import realsense-sys to your Cargo.toml
realsense-sys = "0.3"
and you can call low level C functions.
let pipeline = Pipeline::new()?;
let (pipeline_ptr, context_ptr) = pipeline.into_raw_parts();
unsafe {
let mut error: *mut realsense_sys::rs2_error = std::ptr::null_mut();
realsense_sys::rs2_pipeline_start(pipeline_ptr, &mut error as *mut _);
if !error.is_null() {
The API changes may not be found on To generate document from the most recent commit,
cargo doc --open
Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file.