This repository accompanies the document Injury_linearity.pdf.
It contains all code and data used to produce the figures therein.
The key questions are:
- Does the observation of "safety in numbers" in road-traffic statistics correspond to a power-law scaling relationship?
- How do we test it, and
- how do we interpret it?
- LA_Name - name of local authority
- Year -
- code - code of local authority
- population - LA population
- dens - population density
- whw - all casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov - all casualties with no other vehicle
- count - whw+nov
- whw_ksi - all KSI casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov_ksi - all KSI casualties with no other vehicle
- whw_fatal - all fatal casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov_fatal - all fatal casualties with no other vehicle
- whw_bike - bike casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov_bike - bike KSI casualties with no other vehicle
- whw_ksi_bike - bike KSI casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov_ksi_bike - bike KSI casualties with no other vehicle
- whw_fatal_bike - bike fatal casualties with at least one other vehicle
- nov_fatal_bike - bike fatal casualties with no other vehicle
- whw_bike_car - bike casualties with at least one car involved
- whw_ksi_bike_car - bike KSI casualties with at least one car involved
- whw_fatal_bike_car - bike fatal casualties with at least car involved
- Region_Name - region local authority resides in
- Pedal.Cycles - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- Two.Wheeled.Motor.Vehicles - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- Car - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- Bus - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- LGV - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- HGV - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- All.Motor.Vehicles - total distance travelled on A+B roads
- total_travel - total distance travelled on A+B roads - All.Motor.Vehicles+Pedal.Cycles
- Motorway - total road length
- A - total road length
- B - total road length
- total_road - total road length - A+B+Motorway
- AB - total road length - A+B
- ruralpercent - fraction of population classed as living in a 'rural' area in 2011