vegadude is a utility application to upload programs on CDAC's VEGA Microprocessor powered boards.
- Serial + XMODEM (w/ CRC-16-CCITT) (CDAC Aries)
- Linux
- Windows
git clone
cmake -B build -S vegadude -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
./build/vegadude -tp /dev/ttyUSB0 -bp <path to binary> --aries -sau
Usage: [-l | --log] [-bp | --binary-path]
[-tp | --target-path]
[-xmr | --xmodem-max-retry] [-xbs | --xmodem-block-size]
[--aries] [-sp | --serial-parity] [-ssb | --serial-stop-bits]
[-src | --serial-rts-cts] [-sb | --serial-bits]
[-sbr | --serial-baud-rate] [-srt | --serial-read-timeout]
[-sau | --start-after-upload] [--license] [-h | --help]
Option Summary:
-l | --log Optional. Create a log file.
-bp | --binary-path Required. Specify path to the binary file
to be uploaded.
-tp | --target-path Required. Specify path to the target board.
-xmr | --xmodem-max-retry Optional. Specify max amount of times to retry before aborting upload.
Default is 10.
-xbs | --xmodem-block-size Required if not using automatic configuration.
Specify block size of XModem data transfer.
--aries Use CDAC Aries serial port configuration.
-sp | --serial-parity Optional. Specify if target uses parity bit.
Default is false.
-ssb | --serial-stop-bits Required. Specify number of stop bits
for target.
-src | --serial-rts-cts Optional. Specify if target uses RTS/CTS
flow control.
Default is false.
-sb | --serial-bits Required. Specify the number of data bits sent
in a byte to the target.
-sbr | --serial-baud-rate Required. Specify serial baud rate of the
-srt | --serial-read-timeout Optional. Specify timeout for each read in
Default is 500.
-sau | --start-after-upload Optional. Immediately start running program
after uploading.
--license Print license information.
-h | --help Print this message.
NOTE: you cannot use --aries and --xmodem-block-size / --serial* arguments (except --serial-read-timeout) at the same time.)
vegadude does not play well with sniffer programs like interceptty, for now.
vegadude is licensed to GNU General Public License v3.0.
vegadude - Utility application to upload programs on CDAC's VEGA Microprocessor powered boards.
Copyright (C) 2023 Debayan Sutradhar (rnayabed)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.