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A Satellite Tracking Library for Swift


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ZeitSatTrack - A Swift Satellite Tracking Library

Author David HM Spector ([email protected])


ZeitSatTrack will provide position (lat/lon, altitude) information for satellites based on standard TLE (Two Line Element) format orbital parameter descriptions.
This library provides discrete or continuous tracking of satellites either by explicitly naming a satellite whose position is desired or by providing a list of satellites to watch.


Baseline OS support: Xcode 8.2+, Swift 3.1; the project's framework target is configured for iOS but may be compiled under macOS as well.


pod 'ZeitSatTrack'




You can either download the ZeitSatTrack git repo as a git sub-module, or compile directly and either drag ZeitSatTrack.framework into your project, or add it as a subproject/dependency in Xcode.

Satellite Data Sources

Satellite are tracked using data in the form of a Two-Line Element format that describes the required orbital parameter needed to calculate the orbit for a given satellite. The most common source of two-line (TLE) element files is Celestrack run by Dr. T.S Kelso. The Celestrack site maintains a large list of TLE data files broken out by a number of useful categories (Weather, Amateur, Space stations, Navigation, Earth Observation, etc).

ZeitSatTrack provides a consolidated list of these TLE catalogs as part of the resources built right into the library. Individual categories and data sets inside those categories can be selected at run time and the current, up to date versions of the TLE files will be downloaded on demand.

The list includes hundreds of satellites in the following areas:

  • Common Interest (a selection from the categories below, including the 100 brightest satellites, the ISS, etc.)
  • Weather & Earth Resources Satellites
  • Communications Satellites
  • Navigation Satellites
  • Scientific Satellites
  • Miscellaneous Satellites

Usage / API

ZeitSatTrack is provided as a manager class that can operated in one of 2 modes: auto-updating and manual.

  • Autoupdating mode will fire off calls to a registered ZeitSatTrackDelegate to notify subscribers that satellites of interest have new positions.

  • Manual mode allows the calling application to ask for updates to a specific satellite by name (or all known satellites); the values returned will be the name of the satellite and a set of GeoCoordinate presenting the position (lat/lon) and altitude of the satellite. Other info about a specific satellite can be requested of the satellite object via other convenience APIs listed below.


Instantiating the Manager

import ZeitSatTrack into your Swift files with

import ZeitSatTrack

then, instantiate the library with:

let satTracker = ZeitSatTrackManager.sharedInstance

Once instantiated, the library will read from its internal dataset of available satellite groups. These can be listed by calling

let satGroups = satTracker.satelliteCollections()

Which will return an array of top-level Satellite groups:

▿ 6 elements
  - 0 : "Common Interest"
  - 1 : "Weather & Earth Resources Satellites"
  - 2 : "Communications Satellites"
  - 3 : "Navigation Satellites"
  - 4 : "Scientific Satellites"
  - 5 : "Miscellaneous Satellites"

Each of these groups can be further enumerated to get a listing of the names of the TLE files in each group:

let subGroups = satTracker.subGroupsForCollection(name:"Communications Satellites")

Returns an array of names of the satellite TLE files for this group:

▿ 13 elements
  - 0 : "Geostationary"
  - 1 : "Intelsat"
  - 2 : "SES"
  - 3 : "Iridium"
  - 4 : "Iridium NEXT"
  - 5 : "Orbcomm"
  - 6 : "Globalstar"
  - 7 : "Amateur Radio"
  - 8 : "Experimental"
  - 9 : "Other Comm"
  - 10 : "Gorizont"
  - 11 : "Raduga"
  - 12 : "Molniya"

Most of these listings are self describing, but more details on specific TLE collections be found at the Celestrack site.

Lastly, you can add satellites explicitly by providing a string containing TLE data with the call:

Where the string is one or more stanzas in the Two-Line Element format; for example, the the following represents the ZARYA Module which is the center of the International Space Station (ISS):

ISS (ZARYA)             
1 25544U 98067A   17144.89781703  .00001573  00000-0  31242-4 0  9992
2 25544  51.6416 154.3996 0005308 189.3117 243.1127 15.53923882 58131

The string provided must adhere to the format and are separated by newline characters between each TLE entry.

Loading a TLE Set

Datasets are loaded by referring to either a satellite group name or group name and a sub group.

In the case of loading a group, ZeitSatTrack will load all of the components of that group (which can be literally hundreds of satellite TLEs).

func loadSatelliteCollectionForGroup(name: String) {

If only a specific set of satellites is required, the subgroup version of the call is used:

func loadSatelliteSubGroup(subgroupName:String, group: String) -> Error?

Note: loading a set of TLEs does not start tracking satellites; it is merely loading of a catalog of satellites and doing the initial math needed so that satellites can be tracked. See Getting Satellite Positions for details on getting positions from items in the catalog.

Setting the Reference Location

If a reference location is set, additional information about satellites from the perspective of an Earthbound observer can requested. Location can be set to be fixed point by setting the property directly:

satTracker.location = CLLocation(latitude: 37.780129, longitude: -122.392033)

...or by enabling continuous location updating using the call:

Let status = satTracker.enableContinuousLocationUpdates()

This will return a CLAuthorizationStatus value.

This feature requires using the CoreLocation manager which will require both permission of the user of the application using the ZeitSatTrack library, as well as the addition of [Privacy strings describing the use of location info]( in the application's _Info.plist_ file.

Setting the Update Frequency

AutoUpdate mode includes the ability to set the frequency at which satellite info is updated. By default the data are updated every 2 seconds but a different update frequency can be selected by setting the property


This property is in seconds. Setting it to less than 1 second can have adverse impacts on app performance as performing orbital calculations on a large number of satellites is quite computationally expensive. Another possibility if you need to know a satellite's track over a range of times is to request a batch location update for the satellite.

Getting Satellite Positions

Getting Discrete Satellite Position Data

Once the ZeitSatTrack manager has been initialized and configured with one or more TLE data sets, the satellites can be queried to determine their positions by calling:

locationForSatelliteNamed( _ name: String, targetDate: Date?) -> GeoCoordinates?

Which returns the location for a singe named satellite, or

locationsForSatellites(date: Date?) -> [Dictionary<String, GeoCoordinates>]

for a dictionary containing info on all known satellites. Or, if a there is a list of satellites being observed, and the ZeitSatTrackDelegate protocol is not being used:

observedSatelliteLocations(date: Date?) -> [Dictionary<String, GeoCoordinates>]?

For all calls the default Date is now if a nil is passed to the call.

Both collection oriented calls return an array of dictionaries with location info for all satellites known to the manager where the key is the satellite name.

Observing Multiple Satellites

ZeitSatTrack has the ability to watch a number of satellites simultaneously. There are 2 methods to add and remove satellites for observation:

func startObservingSatelliteNamed( _ name: String) -> Bool
func stopObservingSatelliteNamed( _ name: String) -> Bool

In either case, a result of true indicates the named satellite has been added (or removed) from the watch list. A result of false means the named satellite was not found (or was not being observed).

The number of satellites being observed is stored in a property


See ZeitSatTrack Delegate for more on receiving automatic updates of observed satellites.

Lastly, to remove all observed sats, call


Position Data

Position data is represented by the GeoCoordinates structure. This is a very simple struct, consisting of latitude, longitude and altitude of satellite:

public struct GeoCoordinates {
    var latitude: CLLocationDegrees
    var longitude: CLLocationDegrees
    var altitude: Double

    public func description() -> String {
        return "Location (\(self.latitude), \(self.longitude)); Altitude: \(self.altitude) KM"
  • Note: if a specific date is provided and any given satellite (in either variant of the location call) would not have yet been in orbit (i.e., the specified date is before the satellite's launch date) a nil will be returned instead of the expected GeoCoordinates.
let satLoc = satTracker.locationForSatelliteNamed("NOAA 18")

Yields a result similar to:

NOAA 18: Location (-56.1372936362136, -109.455449551038); Altitude: 870.354212207491 KM

Where each result is a GeoCoordinates structure.

Other information about the orbital status of the satellite can be obtained by calling:

let orbitalInfo = satTracker.orbitalInfoForSatelliteNamed("NOAA 18", location: CLLocation(latitude: 37.780129, longitude: -122.392033))

which will return a dictionary containing various orbital parameters that could be useful in visualizing the satellite's path, or locating the satellite visually from the ground.

Note: if the location parameter is not supplied it is assumed to be available from the location property in the ZeitSatTrack manager.

If the manager is configured for auto-updating -- which presumes the CoreLocation access permission has been granted -- then the information returned will be based on the location property as updated periodically by CoreLocation. If the location property is neither set or provided, this call will return nil.

Batch Satellite Updates

Another useful feature is the ability to get a dictionary of updates for a satellite's position across a range of times. This could be useful for visualizing a satellite's path over time instead of performing the calculations in real-time.

locationsForSatelliteNamed(_ name: String, from: Date? = nil, until: Date, interval: Int = 2 ) -> [Dictionary<Date, GeoCoordinates>]?

Which will return a dictionary of the named satellite's positions from the start date (or "now") if passed nil to the "until" date over the specified interval (whose default value is 2 seconds).

Note: TLE files are updated semiweekly to account for such factors as changes in atmospheric drag, the reliability of batch generated GeoCoordinates for long periods in the future cannot be assured.

Continuous Satellite Updates

By default you have to explicitly ask the library to get either an individual update or get updates for all known satellites.

An additional available mode is the auto-updating mode where the manager will fire off a periodic timer to update a list of satellites of interest.

ZeitSatTrack Delegate

ZeitSatTrack supports a delegate protocol that will automatically deliver information on observed Satellites or notify the delegate that one or more satellites are no longer being observed.

/// ZeitSatTrack satellite observer did return data
/// - Parameter satelliteList: A dictionary representing satellite positions
func didObserveSatellites(satelliteList: Dictionary<String, GeoCoordinates>)

/// ZeitSatTrack satellite observer did remove satellites
/// - Parameter names: an array of satellite names that were removed
func didRemoveObservedSatellitesNamed(names:[String])

Adding Satellite Data Sources

The data format for the ZeitSatTrack data source file is a JSON file with an array of group stanzas that contain dictionaries with the names and URLs of TLE files, for example:

  "group_name": "Common Interest",
  "files": [{
    "name": "Last 30 Days' Launches",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "Space Stations",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "100 (or so) Brightest",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "FENGYUN 1C Debris",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "IRIDIUM 33 Debris",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "COSMOS 2251 Debris",
    "data_file": ""
  }, {
    "name": "BREEZE-M R/B Breakup (2012-044C)",
    "data_file": ""


If you wanted to add a new set of TLE groups for use with the library, creating a file such as then adding it at run-time using the method

adddTLESourcesFromFile(_ fileName:String, bundle: Bundle)

which will add all groups in the presented file to the list of available TLE sources. Individual subgroups in your data sources may be added to the available satellites known to the manager by calling:

loadSatelliteSubGroup(subgroupName:String, group: String)

Contributing & Conduct

This project welcomes contributions; all contributions must adhere to the project's . Please do not contribute any code or other resource that are covered by other people's or organization's copyrights, patents or are otherwise encumbered. Such contributions will be rejected.

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].


The ZeitSatTrack suite is distributed under the terms of the Apache License


A Satellite Tracking Library for Swift







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  • Swift 96.2%
  • Ruby 3.2%
  • Objective-C 0.6%