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Razorax edited this page Aug 5, 2014 · 3 revisions

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Commands
    1. Create Command


The commands listed below uses the following syntax:

/command <mandatory> [optional] [this|or|that]

Meaning anything in <> must be present for the command to be successful (without the brackets), anything in [] MAY be present (is optional), and anything separated with a |, will be either one or the other.


Holographic Scoreboard v1.3.4 by R4zorax
/hgs list                                           - Lists all the current scoreboards
/hgs create <id> <interval> <player|console> <cmd>  - Creates a new board
/hgs move <id>                                      - Moves the board to your current position.
/hgs move <id> <x> <y> <z> [world]                  - Moves the board to the supplied position
/hgs remove <id>                                    - Removes the board
/hgs reload                                         - Reloads configuration
/hgs save                                           - Saves configuration
/hgs cleanup                                        - Removes all holograms
/hgs refresh [id]                                   - Refreshes scoreboards now

Create Command

The create command is the most complex of them all, so described in a bit more detail here.

/hgs create <id> <interval> <player|console> <cmd>

  • <id> - A unique identifier for the scoreboard that is being created
  • <interval> - An interval in the syntax of <num><h|m|s> i.e. 12m will refresh the command every 12 minutes.
  • <player|console> - Whether the command requires to be executed on behalf of a player, or can be executed as console (recommended).
  • <cmd> - The actual command to execute every interval.


/hgs create economy 10m console baltop

Will create a scoreboard with id economy at the players current location, that will execute the command /baltop every 10m as the console

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