📖 For a detailed description take a look into the WIKI: User Manual
- Speed up engraving bigger pictures within "fastest" mode by using traveling speed (e.g. with G0 command) when laser is off in a scan line for a longer distance
- Add new configuration "Laser off travel code"
- Change code to work with Inkscape > 1.1 (Tested with 1.1.2, 1.2.2 and 1.3 Linux-AppImg, 1.2.1 Win10)
- Reorder of the configuration settings
- Fix some 1.1. related Issues (inkscape put all output in stderr and script stops)
- Fix some 1.1. related Issues
- Adapted to work with 0.9x and 1.1.x (Tested with 0.92.5 and 1.1.2)
- Add function "Invert (Black/White)" while processing laser power, e.g. for slate
- Add new configuration "Optimize scan line"
- Add new configuration "Gamma value for laser power output"
- Add new configuration "Interleaved line scan with fixed laser power"
- Add variable Pixel Value {POWL}, get maximal power value in current scan line
- Change gray scale setting "0.21R + 0.71G + 0.07B" so a white pixel keeps white
- Add new configuration "Zig zag offset"
- Fix: image was shifted by one pixel in y direction
- Fix: avoid scientific numbers in GCode output
- Add variable Pixel Value {PIXV}
- Add configuration "Laser on threshold" to control laser on/off command
- Rename and reorder parameters (also internally) and set more common default values
- Add debug switch to write all (internal) parameters into the CGode file
this is a fork of "305engineering raster2laser" code
- Raster 2 Laser GCode generator is an extension to generate GCode for a laser cutter/engraver (or pen plotter), it can generate various type of outputs from a simple B&W (on/off) to a more detailed Gray scale (pwm)
- I added some more image processing functions and a new GCode generator
- Added dithering types (Simple2D, Floyd–Steinberg, Jarvis-Judice-Ninke)
- Modify gray scale conversion with lookup table and any number of 2..256 gray steps
- Add image conversion "Flip X"
- Use image size of full page or the outline of all objects
- Define resolution with laser spot size
- The exported inkscape image (not the preview) is deleted after processing
- New B/W to GCode generator with this features
- Set min/max laser power values
- Allow user configurable GCode init, line, and exit Code
- Calculate positions for rotary axis with a given diameter
- Add a distance to move the laser for acceleration and deceleration with laser power off
- set position of zero point
- Scanline in X or Y direction
Simply copy all the *.py and *.inx files into the folder "Extensions" of Inkscape. Where this is located, take a look into "Edit => Settings => System" and use one of the folders configured in "User extensions" or "Inkscape extensions"
e.g. Linux "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions"
for unix (& mac maybe) change the permission on the file:
chmod 755 *.py
chmod 644 *.inx
The extension can be started with: Extension => GCode Laser Tools => Raster2Laser NG
The pull down entry name can be changed in the *.inx file, look for <submenu name="GCode Laser tools"/>
Fork from: https://github.com/305engineering/Inkscape