A somewhat simple wrapper on the Sears Developer API developer.sears.com/apis
gem install sears-api
require 'sears-api' SearsApi::Configuration.key = '<your-api-key>' re0 = SearsApi::Client.product_search_by_keyword('craftsman') re1 = SearsApi::Client.product_details(re0.first.part_number) re1.main_image_url #=> "http://s.shld.net/is/image/Sears/00935255000 re1.description_name #=> "255 pc. Mechanics Tool Set with Lift Top Storage Chest # etc.
There are two ways to search a given store (The default is Sears).
you can call with at store attribute e.g. SearsApi::Client.product_search_by_keyword(‘craftsman’, :store => ‘Kmart’)
but there are convenience methods SearsApi::Client.kmart_product_search_by_keyword(‘craftsman’)
Should do the right thing ™ in most cases. You should be able to use the underscored versions of method names correlate to the tags/nodes returned by the Sears API XML. Mostly I’ve chosen the delegate to be the node you likely want but if you want to you can access the HTTParty response directly with SearsApi::Response#resp
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