The Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) Applied Chest Imaging Lab's (ACIL) Chest Imaging Platform private repository
- VTK (must build with boost for airway generation labeling)
- boost (needed for airway generation labeling)
- teem
- FLTK (needed for ACILAssistant)
- numpy
- scipy
- pynrrd
- pandas
- cython
- nose
The following codes should prepend comments to commits
- ENH: Source code enhancment
- DEB: A bug fix
- COMP: A change needed to get the source to compile/link
- STYLE: Style change
- ADD: Addition of a new file or directory to the repository
For C++ code, we follow [ITK Coding Style Guide] 1. For python code, we follow the [PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code] 2. Highlights and additional ChestImagingPlatform-specifc guidelines for C++ code are as follows
- Avoid white space immediately inside brackets, braces and parentheses
- Avoid white space immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon
- Don't use spaces around the = sign when used to indicate a keyword argument or a default parameter value
- Use '//' for each line of a comment block, followed by a space, followed by a capitalized letter if beginning a sentence or phrase. This pertains to comments not meant to appear in the documentation.
- Follow Doxygen style comments as per recommendations in the [ITK Coding Style Guide] 1 where appropriate
- Use one space immediately before and after: +, -, <<, >>, &&, ||, +=, *=, -=, =, ==, <, >, =
- No white space should be used for operators * and /