RikRak is a videotelephony and Chat proprietary software program developed by @ritikramuka made under Microsoft Engage 2021 program.
Click here to open web app
Click here to open Agile Methodology Design Documantaion
- Group video calls
- Chat before, during and after meeting
- User Authantication
- Reset password links on mail
- Collabrative word docs during the meeting
- Collabrative whiteboard during the meeting
- toggle audio and video off/on
- share screen and many more..
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ritikramuka/RikRak-Microsoft-Engage-21-.git
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install backend dependencies
npm install
Go to the frontend/rikrak directory
cd frontend/rikrak
Install frontend dependencies
npm install
Copy your fireabse credentials in frontend/rikrak/src/Fireabse/ following format of secrets.example.js
Start the development by running following in project directory
npm run dev
Client: React, Simple-Peer, Socket-io-Client
Server: Node js, Express js, Socket.io, Firebase