My name is Rishabh, I am a Ph.D. candidate at The Catholic University of America. My research work is related to the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. I was introduced to the field of Data Science and Machine Learning by a friend a few years back and ever since I have been learning by taking courses related to DS.
I am currently working on the following projects
Ph.D. Physics analysis: I am working with the Dark Matter group at the Fermilab, the analysis is mainly focussed on Dark Matter search in a Mono-top process
Anomaly detection at the CMS experiment at the LHC
Azure Machine Learning on Udacity
I am currently looking for volunteering opportunities to get some hands-on experience in Data Science
I have firm foundation in major DS skills
- Python, R
- Data ETL
- Machine Learning ( Supervised, Semi-Supervised, and Clustering techniques)
- ML libraries : Sci-kit Learn, keras, TF
1. SQL Studying deforestation
2. DNN Visual Recognition
3. NLP Disaster Response using NLP
awards and recognitions
- FermiLab Guest and Visitors Research Fellowship
- First Place: Data Science Hackathon: DC voter turnout
Hobbies biking, cricket,volleyball, stock market trading
reach me at