Releases: riogroup/SORA
V0.3.1 fixes some issues within SORA v0.3:
- Fixes a bug that did not properly read OBJ files in some cases.
- Removed numpy.float as it is deprecated in numpy.
- Removed cache from SBDB as it may not get new data from the webserver.
- Fixes a problem caused by the update of Shapely to v2.0.
- Fixes orientation parametes for some satellites and asteroids from Archinal where the longitude was counted in the wrong direction.
- Fixed orientation issue between shape and frame.
- Included a safeguard when reading pole coordinates from SBDB to not cause an issue if the format is different from expected.
- etc.
What's Changed
- Updates and correction for v0.3 by @altairgomes in #84
- Develop by @Bmorgado19 in #87
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.3.1
V0.3 of SORA includes new interesting features:
- Use of Rotational Elements based on the definition by Archinal et al. (2018).
- Use of 3D shape models when fitting occultations.
- Inclusion of Gaia-DR3
- Possibility to define any Vizier Catalogue for the star object and prediction.
- New module dedicated to designing model fitting procedures using different techniques.
The first patch of the V0.2 version, finishing implementations for the publication of the package.
It includes fixes for a major bug when calculating the direction of the shadow in the prediction, and for some minor bugs.
The v0.2 release of SORA is focused on the consolidation of the package for publication purpose. It includes 3 main new features. The new Body class to handle the body information; the Chord and ChordList classes to compact the chord information; and the Spacecraft class to use a spacecraft as an observer. Some changes to the API were made thinking on future improvements of the package.
The v0.1.2 release of SORA is focused on the inclusion of Gaia-EDR3.
v0.1.1 Preparing Release v0.1.1
The first release of the SORA package.