A Clojure library for using core.async with Ring's websocket API (currently in beta testing).
Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file:
org.ring-clojure/ring-websocket-async {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}
Or to your Leiningen project file:
[org.ring-clojure/ring-websocket-async "0.2.0"]
In 0.1.0 the go-websocket
block would automatically close the
WebSocket after it completes. In 0.2.0 this was removed, as it prevented
easy use of functions like clojure.core.async/pipe
, which have their
own internal go
The most convenient way to get started is to use the go-websocket
macro. Here's an example that echos any message received back to the
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]
'[ring.websocket.async :as wsa])
(defn echo-websocket-handler [request]
(wsa/go-websocket [in out err]
(loop []
(when-let [mesg (<! in)]
(>! out mesg)
The macro sets three binding variables:
- the input channelout
- the output channelerr
- the error channel
Then executes its body in a core.async go
block. If the WebSocket is
closed by either the client or the server, the associated channels will
also be closed.
A Ring websocket response will be returned by the macro, so you can directly return it from the handler.
The error channel may be omitted. In this case, any errors with the websocket protocol will close the connection with a 1011 unexpected server error message.
To close the connection from the server with a specific error code of
your choice, you can use the closed
function to send a special message
to the output channel:
(defn closes-with-error [request]
(wsa/go-websocket [in out err]
(>! out (wsa/closed 1001 "Gone Away"))))
If you want more control, you can use the lower-level
function. The following handler example is
equivalent to the one using the go-websocket
(defn echo-websocket-handler [request]
(let [in (a/chan)
out (a/chan)
err (a/chan)]
(go (try
(loop []
(when-let [mesg (<! in)]
(>! out mesg)
(a/close! out)))) ;; closes the websocket
{:ring.websocket/listener (websocket-listener in out err)}))
Copyright © 2024 James Reeves
Released under the MIT license.