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Releases: rimas-kudelis/macos-keyboard-layouts

Pagerintas klavišų kombinacijų veikimas „Numeric“ išdėstyme | Improved keyboard shortcuts in Numeric layout

08 Apr 16:27
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Šioje laidoje koreguotas tik „Numeric“ išdėstymas, README ir Makefile failai.

„Numeric“ išdėstymas pataisytas, kad, esant nuspaustam bent vienam Cmd ar Ctrl klavišui, jis veiktų analogiškai kaip amerikinis klaviatūros išdėstymas. Kitaip sakant, nuo šiol tokios klavišų kombinacijos, kaip Cmd+1, Cmd+Shift+2, Cmd++ ir pan. veiks taip, lyg naudotumėtės amerikiniu QWERTY klavišų išdėstymu. Kadangi vargu, ar apskritai yra programų, kurios klavišų kombinacijoms naudotų lietuviškas raides, o pati „macOS“ iki šiol apskritai nėra sulietuvinta, toks pakeitimas atrodo netgi labai logiškas. Žr. #2.

Only the Numeric layout, the README and the Makefile have been modified.

The Numeric layout has been modified to act as the US layout when Cmd or Ctrl have been pressed, meaning keyboard shortcuts like Cmd+1, Cmd+Shift+4, Cmd++ etc. will now work the way they do in the US layout. There are hardly any applications that employ Lithuanian accented characters for keyboard shortcuts, so making shortcuts with digits and +/= available instead makes a lot of sense. See #2.

First GitHub Release

29 Jan 15:06
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No more "Lithuanian Keyboards.bundle". Each layout is now provided separately.
Tagging as 1.1.0, because I've been distributing the pre-GitHub versions of these layouts on my website for quite a while. Let's say these were 1.0

Numeric: brought back closer to the US layout:

  • ANSI is the only described layout, no special cases for ISO or JIS
  • Which means that the accents key will migrate between positions E00 (on ANSI keyboards) and B00 (on ISO keyboards), just like it does in the US layout
  • The E00 key on ISO keyboards can now be used to enter SECTION SIGN and PLUS-MINUS SIGN instead of EURO SIGN and EN DASH, as it was before (I previously copied this from Linux, but it's just a useless definition, because both € and EN-DASH are already available in more permanent positions.
  • Other cosmetic changes to the source code


  • Uses ISO as base layout, but defines workarounds for ANSI to compensate for the missing B00 key
  • Other cosmetic changes to the source code


  • Similar adjustments to Standard, just to keep their divergence to the minimum.


  • Added a makefile which allows quickly generating distributable zip and dmg files. This is how all files attached here have been generated.