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Ideas Page

Milind Gupta edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 4 revisions

This page was created for guidance of the students participating in Google Summer of Code 2020.

Project Proposal Guidelines

Having some familiarity with Lua and IUP Toolkit is desirable. This project lists some ideas that we have decided would be most apt for Google Summer of Code development. If you have any of your own awesome ideas that you think would be a great fit for the project, discuss with us either on gitter or send us an email at lua-gl-dev[AT]

Please remember to follow the GSoC 2020 timelines and submit your final application at the Google Summer of Code homepage

Project Ideas

Create Undo Redo functionality

  • Idea Tags: New Feature
  • Description: This feature aims to develop a methodology to allow the library to provide redo and undo functionality API to any action performed using the Lua-GL API. For example if a connector is drawn between 2 objects in 1 step a simple call to undo API should remove the connector. Or as a complex example suppose a connector segment was dragged to alter the shape of the connector the undo call should reset the connector shape back to what it was.
  • Mentor: Deepak Rathore [dsrdeepak8 ( at )]

Create a Schematic Editor

  • Idea Tags: New Application, Sub-Organization
  • Description: This is a new application leveraging the Lua-GL API that would allow design and storage of electronic schematics. This application would provide functionality similar and in some cases better than software like: eeschema or LTSpice or QUCS.
  • Mentor: Milind Gupta [milind.gupta ( at )]

Create a Block Diagram Editor

  • Idea Tags: New Application, Sub-Organization
  • Description: This is a new application leveraging the Lua-GL API that would allow design and storage of block diagrams, flowcharts. This application would provide functionality similar and in some case better than software like Dia or
  • Mentor: Deepak Rathore [dsrdeepak8 ( at )]