This module lets you filter images using edge detection as well as some other cool basic kernels. Eventually we hope to add in some more creative filters.
$ python --help
usage: [-h] image kernel
This module filters images according to the options below
positional arguments:
image Choose an image file for processing. Currently tested filetypes include: .bmp, .png, .jpg
kernel Choose a kernel for filtering. Options are:
identity - 3x3 kernel, does not change image
edgeA - 3x3 kernel, edge detection option A
edgeB - 3x3 kernel, edge detection option B
edgeC - 3x3 kernel, edge detection option C
sobel - pair of 3x3 kernels, sobel edge detection
sharpen - 3x3 kernel, sharpens image
boxBlur - 3x3 kernel, blur option A
gaussBlur - 3x3 kernel, blur option B
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ python "lena.jpg" "sobel"