Updates for DFRPG
- Added almost all monsters from DFRPG Monsters.
- Updated DFRPG Advantages, moving Conditional Modifiers and Reaction Modifiers to their appropriate places as features, where they were previously part of the notes. Advantages affected by this: Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Bad Smell, Cast-Iron Stomach, Charisma, Fit, Very Fit, No Sense of Humor, Enhanced Time Sense, Animal Empathy, Chummy, Gregarious, Healer, Higher Purpose, Odious Personal Habit, Outdoorsman, Skinny, Fat, Overweight, Social Stigma (all)
- Added some DFRPG Advantages/Disadvantages, including: Vulnerability, See Invisible, Subsonic Hearing, Vermiform
- Fixed Ironskin Amulet DR Bonus
- Added "Winged" Modifier to Flight for DFRPG
- Added DFRPG Equipment
- Added "Monster Drool" Equipment Modifier for DFRPG
- Expanded on "Expanded Bardic Talent" Advantage from Delvers to Grow, granting bonus to spells based on user chosen college
- Added functionality of "Weapon Master (Missile Spells)" from DFRPG
- Modified "Weapon Master" Advantage, swapping Basic Set Modifiers for DFRPG ones.